As for being one American, I am tired of President Obama skating around the consequences of his actions..actions that I believe were done purposefully to ferment the atmosphere of lawlessness and fear. How does he do that..his ever present compliment and complacent media..like USA TODAY, NY TIMES, LA TIMES and of course, our very own FLORIDA TODAY and it’s staff of editors that are out there digging for the “truth”.

On July 21st, Tuesday, in a Senate Committee hearing about Illegal Aliens and the crimes they commit, we heard heart braking story after heart breaking story of families that lost loved ones to the illegal alien animals that should of been kicked out of our country or jailed.

Here are some numbers to consider that came out of the hearing. So when the liberal or editor tells you that,..”that is a one off”..”it’s not common”,.”that is unusual”.etc., they can look at the numbers compiled by ICE.

Criminal illegal aliens released into the public in 2013:

* 193 had homicide convictions

* 426 had sexual assault convictions

* More than 16,000 drunk or drugged driving convictions

36,000 in deportation proceedings with criminal convictions that the Obama administration released.

* over 16,000 criminal illegal aliens with drunk driving convictions released

* 68,000 criminal illegal aliens that ICE declined to begin deportation proceedings

So let’s see here, Obama has released over a hundred thousand murderers, rapists, purse snatchers, muggers, criminals..and that is just in 2013.  The good news according to Ms Saldana, in 2014, the murders have dropped to 30,558. Ain’t that great! What a trend…

The illegal immigrants who murdered the family members of the witnesses who testified Tuesday were criminals, but they were enabled by the CRIMINAL-IN-CHIEF, Barack Obama. He shoulders most of the blame, but he had cohorts that pitched right in; specifically, the Democrats, the compliment media, like Florida Today and the gutless Republicans who let Obama continue his lawlessness…AT OUR EXPENSE! Because of Obama and the Democrats’ deliberate policy of non-enforcement of the law, intended to force Congress to enact legislation more to the Democrats’ liking than existing laws, they have cost untold lives and suffering.


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