A lot of fuss along with the usual media fawning for foul mouth, classless U.S. Representative and practicing Muslim, Rhashida Tiaib. She is from Detroit, which can explain some of her idiocy..but not all. The “Big”; she is using Thomas Jefferson’s Koran for the swearing-in.

Enter Dr. Bill Warner of Political Islam, , Dr. Warner has a PhD in Physics and in Mathematics. Very useful, as he has studied Islam scientifically and mathematically. He has clarity in bringing this event into perfect focus. I have followed him for years.

Did Jefferson study the Koran..yes. Why? For one purpose only; he studied Islam so he could send in the U.S. Marines to kick the Islamic, aka Barbary Pirates’, butts. The Islamic pirates had been bullies attacking America and different nations’ merchant ships, killing and taking slaves for ransom, (because that is what the Koran instructs). That is where you get the opening lines from the Marine Corps Hymn,..”from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli..”. I love it!

One last thing; if according to the Koran and Sunna, Sharia Law is the supreme law of the land, it means that Muslims consider Sharia above the U.S. Constitution. Then, it would seem that by Ms. Tiaib, taking the pledge on the Koran, did not pledge her loyalty to America and the U.S. Constitution. Just a thought..

Please dive into Dr. Warner’s article and be sure to check on the hyperlinks in each fact..

In the news: “Newly elected Detroit congresswoman, Rashida Tlaib, is going to use Thomas Jefferson’s Koran for her swearing-in ceremony.”

Let’s get the facts straight.

Fact: It is not Jefferson’s Koran.  It is Mohammed’s Koran.

Fact: Jefferson owned a Koran to understand and defeat the Islamic Barbary Pirates.  How many members of Congress have read the Koran & Sunna from cover to cover or have any idea what is written on these pages?

Fact: We have evidence of our forefathers’ reference to the Koran: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson to John Jay, March 28, 1786

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran in which over 20% written in Medina is about violent jihad.

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran that has 17% of its text from Mohammed’s time in Medina devoted to Jew hatred.

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran that says that Muslims are superior to all and the non-Muslim (Kafir) is lower than animals. It also says a Muslim is not the friend of a Kafir.

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a Koran that says wives can be beaten.

Fact:  Ms Tlaib is disingenuous when she says ““I believe in secular government…“ According to Islamic doctrine, a Muslim must be governed by the Allah-inspired Sharia, because Kafir (man-made) secular laws are not worth following.  So either she is not a good Muslim or she is using taqiyya, sacred deception, to advance Islam.

Fact:  Tlaib is swearing her oath on a book that declares our U.S. Constitution is NOT the highest law of the land.

In short, Rashida Tlaib, by swearing her oath on a Koran, commits an act of sedition.



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