Once again, the Brevard School Board ignores the overwhelming wishes of the parents, grandparents and citizens of Brevard County and adds language to the Discrimination policy that puts our children at danger.

In a recent post entitled, “THE DOUBLE SPEAK OF ANDY ZIEGLER”, which exposes the Chairman of the Brevard School Board as either ignorant or dishonest or possibly both! It’s hard to tell. Continue reading “BLACKBURN,ZIEGLER, KNEESSY; IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY..AT THE CHILDREN’S EXPENSE”


I have been out of the loop for a few weeks and just sat down at my Mac for the first time.

A disturbing act by our school board is the consideration of a policy change for the LGBT crowd.  One that Ms Amy Kneesey, Andy Andereson and Desmond Blackburn support..against the wishes of the community. Ms Kneessey is  is excited to vote before she leaves office.

The nationally funded LGBT movement is not about ‘equal protection’; it is about pushing an agenda of coercion, intimidation, silencing other’s views, in the name of victimhood and “fairness”.  These very same things that the LGBT crowd say they want for themselves, they work tiredly to deny to others. We need only to look at the Colorado baker and the mid west Pizza shop owner or more recently, the attack on the citizens of N.C. The LGBT crowd will tell you that these attacks are due to LGBT victimhood “rights” being denied, yet the truth is the opposite. NC’s legislation specifically protects LBGT crowd, but more importantly protected the rights of those that follow their relious beliefs and associated free speech.  This is the “camel’s nose under the tent”, where among other issues, they will push males having access to female’s locker and bathrooms. We have seen it time and again. Yet, Kneessy, Anderson and Blackburn ignore the facts, against the vast majority of Brevard citizens. Continue reading “PARENTS ARE OF NO CONCERN AT THE BREVARD SCHOOL BOARD”

“All students will complete school prepared…for community and global responsibilities.”

This is a well researched piece that must be read.We have the Chamber of Commerce, Bill Gates, our state legislature and Jeb Bush gunning for  our children. Our teachers are being told what and how to teach by those not in our district, much less in our state. We as parents are losing the ability to direct OUR child’s education; while all the while, the school board makes no effort to stop this from happening.

Also, please take a moment and go through the reference material listed at the end of this article.

Continue reading ““All students will complete school prepared…for community and global responsibilities.””


An update that I failed to mention in my Part 2 post.

After the District Level Materials Challenge, I emailed our Brevard School Board representative, Mrs. Amy Kneessy and explained how Penny and I both were denied being able to record the meeting. I told her how Ms Gina Clark and Ms. VanMeter both said that we were required first to notify the committee of our intentions. They then went on to say that the committee felt “uncomfortable” in being recorded. I asked Mrs. Kneessy if indeed, we were not allowed to record at public meetings?

She contacted the legal representative for the school board and then  informed us the next day that Ms. VanMeter and Ms Gina Clark were both wrong in denying myself and Penny the right to record the meeting. We should of been allowed to record the meeting without interference. In fact, due to this blatant “oversight”, a county wide memo went out the next day, alerting all in the Brevard County School System that public meetings may be recorded.


My last post I explained the process in challenging a book,BELOVED in the public school system and our (Penny and mine), experience in working with the School Level Materials Challenge.

This post concerns the next step, which was the District Level Materials Challenge, which was held at Satellite HS. The committee of 13 were hand-picked by either the principle, Mr Elliott and/or Ms. Gina Clark, the District Library Media Resource Teacher.

I was running late,so Penny was tasked with presenting our part to the “unbiased” committee. Unknown to me until later, Continue reading “THE EDUCATION OF BREVARD-Part 2”