Once again, the Brevard School Board ignores the overwhelming wishes of the parents, grandparents and citizens of Brevard County and adds language to the Discrimination policy that puts our children at danger.

In a recent post entitled, “THE DOUBLE SPEAK OF ANDY ZIEGLER”, which exposes the Chairman of the Brevard School Board as either ignorant or dishonest or possibly both! It’s hard to tell.

I had asked Mr Ziegler this simple question; “Are you in favor of changes to the Discrimination policy that addresses one group of individuals?” Simple enough, right? Not so fast! Mr Ziegler, responded in typical double speak; “Based on your question my answer would be that I am not in favor of changes to a discrimination policy that addresses one group of people.” He then proceeds to tell me that I don’t know the question that I wanted him to answer; However I don’t think that is your question as our discrimination policy refers to multiple groups.” He just doesn’t get it or he does and prefers to be dishonest, cloaking his answer in doublespeak!

Contrary to what Mr Ziegler said, the draft of policy 3362, take the group labeled “sex” and expand on it;

“The Board will vigorously enforce its prohibition against unlawful discrimination harassment based on sex (including sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and gender identity), race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, marital status,..” 

The full text of Policy 3362 draft can be found here:


So yes, Mr Ziegler is expanding the group, “Sex”,  while at the same time, not honestly answering my question,( or can’t) .

Sex conveys it all and therefore there is no need for any addition of new language. If you are homosexual(Gay), that is about sex.  If you are lesbian, that is about sex.  If you are transsexual, that is about sex.  If you are transgender, that is about sex. If you are confused about what sex you are(gender identity) on any given day, that is about sex.

He speaks of “heeding the..3 legal opinions”, while never heeding the legal opinions of the Liberty Counsel.  The Liberty Counsel is a national organization of constitutional attorneys, based out of Washington, DC and Orlando. They provided Mr Ziegler and the board a letter, Liberty Counsel to Brevard County Schools outlining the facts of this issue; facts that the overwhelming majority of parents and citizens support. This was evidently read only by the 2 dissenting members of the board.

Speaking of Mr Ziegler and the legal opinions; the lawyers are evidently liberal, as is Mr Ziegler and Mr Blackburn, and the reason for not citing the Liberty Counsel. Certainly don’t want to arm the citizens with the facts!

Superintendent Blackburn, Ms Kneessy and Mr Ziegler, for money and at the expense of our children, have decided to ignore the facts cited in this letter, demonstrating why this policy change would be morally and legally wrong. An example from the LC letter is not one litigation to force these policy changes on any other school district has been successful.

Please be sure and read this letter and then pass it on, for it shows, at the very least, that Mr Blackburn needs to be removed and Mr Ziegler needs to be defeated when he runs for office again. Ms Kneessy has termed out and wants to be remembered for this betrayal to the children, parents, grand parents and citizens of Brevard County. Mr Ziegler (dishonestly), and Ms Kneessy (candidly) have answered my questions, which all boil down to MONEY!

As for Mr Blackburn, not so. After multiple phone calls and emails by me over the last 6 weeks, he remains vacuous. Unavailable to the parents, grand parents and citizens of Brevard County, who in reality, are his employers. His disrespect, his total disregard and his blatant  contempt, as evidenced by his actions, for the parents, grandparents and children of Brevard can no longer be tolerated. More about him later.

“There is a principle,

which is a bar against all information,

which is proof against all arguments,

and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance,


 Herbert Spencer




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