MATT REED: Who Needs A Gun in Viera-Another “reasoned” piece by Mr Reed.

I read Mr Reed’s article in the Florida Today online,(I dropped my subscription to the liberal FT in 2000), and again, as in many past articles, I find facts lacking.

“If Brevard commissioners want to let groups exercise their rights to insult radicals — and won’t provide armed security — it’s only fair to let meeting-goers fend for themselves.” 

Well, well, well,…I didn’t know that ACT’S mission was to “insult” terrorists. Ah yes, it’s all about being fair, isn’t it Mr Reed!  I believe that ACT’s mission, in part ,was to educate myself and other citizens about exactly what Islam is.. and is not. According to ACT’s website, in part, their mission: ACT for America is the nation’s largest non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots organization devoted to promoting national security and defeating terrorism.”

If you have watched, the overwhelming worldwide terrorism is through and by Islam associated groups, so I applaud ACT. How about you Mr Reed? Continue reading “MATT REED: Who Needs A Gun in Viera-Another “reasoned” piece by Mr Reed.”

PARENTS Right of Choice for their Kids

Recently, my wife and I went before a Book Reconsideration Committee to ask that the novel, BELOVED be removed from the Media Centers of all Brevard County Public Schools. This was done after meeting with the teacher and the pro-book principle.

BELOVED is a novel that features, among other things, ghosts, rape, bestiality and pedophilia. My wife and myself felt that it was age inappropriate for 14-17 year olds.

This piece is in response to an article by Mr. Torres, Satellite High ban of ‘Beloved’ book fails published in the Florida Today newspaper, this past Saturday and Sunday. Since Mr. Torres had not spoken with my wife or me as he did with members of the “committee” and Ms Van Meter, the head of Curriculum for Brevard County Schools, I felt it imperative that the complete story of why we protested this book be presented.

As parents, it is our duty to our son, to be very involved in his education and what influences he receives through that process. Life is tough enough, without altering reality. If involvement means going before a committee,that is hand-picked by the principle, which includes a former student of the teacher whose class the book is presented ,  so be it.

This work of fiction, is available to ALL students in High School Medica Centers; meaning that kids, age 14 on up, have access. In this course, there were 100s of other books to choose from to be on “the list of 10”, given to these children, without having to resort to this work of fiction with its attendant explicit language etc.


The fact is, books, like BELOVED, containing fictitious, inappropriate, explicit, sexual language and descriptive sexual acts; as well as detailed descriptions of body parts and the composition of bodily fluids, for 14-year-old to 17-year-old children for high school credit is wrong…by any author. Continue reading “PARENTS Right of Choice for their Kids”


As for being one American, I am tired of President Obama skating around the consequences of his actions..actions that I believe were done purposefully to ferment the atmosphere of lawlessness and fear. How does he do that..his ever present compliment and complacent USA TODAY, NY TIMES, LA TIMES and of course, our very own FLORIDA TODAY and it’s staff of editors that are out there digging for the “truth”. Continue reading “OBAMA SETS KILLERS LOSE UPON OUR FAMILIES”


Yep, once again, a radical Islāmic state benefits from Obama’s wishes. As a matter of fact, if you look at any event in which a radical Islāmic state or representative was involved; if Obama is in the mix…they benefited..ALWAYS!

ISIS runs amuck decapitating Christians and he does nothing, and they grow into a “Varsity”. Whether it was the tough boy line in the sand, or coldly, ignoring the cry for help of Ambassador Stephens and others in Benghazi, or telling the King of Egypt to step down or sending millions to the Muslim Brotherhood to help bring Sharia law to the Egyptian people, etc. etc., the bad guys always benefited..ALWAYS!

Well, President Obama has done it again; as he put it,“..wants Iran to be the power in that region”. Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism(cowardice), whose leaders have said multiple times, that they will destroy “Big Satan and Little Satan”, i.e. the United States and Israel, has now been given the go ahead to pursue Nuclear weapons by Obama. With Obama, the bad guys benefit and America and our allies suffer..ALWAYS!

As President Obama’s actions show, he is, at the very least, a radical Islāmic sympathiser, and at the very worst, a very mindful radical Islamic participant in the free world’s demise! He puts the safety and well-being of the American people and America’s allies last, ALWAYS!

David Horowitz, of The Times of Israel gives us a simple, yet jaw-dropping overview of what was given to Iran today. Continue reading “WITH OBAMA;THE BAD GUYS BENEFIT..AND AMERICA SUFFERS..ALWAYS!”


I need to make one point perfectly clear as I comment on the Pope’s words and actions about the upcoming July 2-3 The People and Planet First’ Conference. This is not about trashing Catholicism or the beliefs of the millions of faithful Catholics! It is about a man whose chose to use his “bully pulpit” to step into the arena of science and politics, influencing millions of others in the process, and my opinion of him and those policies. Because he did take the step and no matter who he is, he is fair game to expose his falsehoods and to offer criticism of his actions, just like any other person. Having said that…

The Guardian (UK) reported on June 27 that the Vatican added Occupy Wall Street activist Naomi Klein to a growing list of activists for its upcoming “environmental conference.” The July conference; The People and Planet First’ Conference hosted by The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and The International Alliance of Catholic Development ,is being called to carry out the June 2015 encyclical. Can you say Social Justice…or Redistribution of Wealth?