Here is another example of Obama’s unrelenting drive to Socialize America and rip the Constitution apart, while destroying every American’s individual FREEDOM bit by bit; it is known as the AFFIRMATIVELY FURTHERING FAIR HOUSING RULE; aka AFFH. “In effect, AFFH gives the federal government a lever to re-engineer nearly every American neighborhood, imposing a preferred racial and ethnic composition.” Continue reading “THE FEDS ARE NOW IN CONTROL OF YOUR NEIGHBORHOODS”
Yep, once again, a radical Islāmic state benefits from Obama’s wishes. As a matter of fact, if you look at any event in which a radical Islāmic state or representative was involved; if Obama is in the mix…they benefited..ALWAYS!
ISIS runs amuck decapitating Christians and he does nothing, and they grow into a “Varsity”. Whether it was the tough boy line in the sand, or coldly, ignoring the cry for help of Ambassador Stephens and others in Benghazi, or telling the King of Egypt to step down or sending millions to the Muslim Brotherhood to help bring Sharia law to the Egyptian people, etc. etc., the bad guys always benefited..ALWAYS!
Well, President Obama has done it again; as he put it,“..wants Iran to be the power in that region”. Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism(cowardice), whose leaders have said multiple times, that they will destroy “Big Satan and Little Satan”, i.e. the United States and Israel, has now been given the go ahead to pursue Nuclear weapons by Obama. With Obama, the bad guys benefit and America and our allies suffer..ALWAYS!
As President Obama’s actions show, he is, at the very least, a radical Islāmic sympathiser, and at the very worst, a very mindful radical Islamic participant in the free world’s demise! He puts the safety and well-being of the American people and America’s allies last, ALWAYS!
David Horowitz, of The Times of Israel gives us a simple, yet jaw-dropping overview of what was given to Iran today. Continue reading “WITH OBAMA;THE BAD GUYS BENEFIT..AND AMERICA SUFFERS..ALWAYS!”
PICK’N PEOPLE..a.k.a., Sorting Through The 2014 Primaries
Today, I can say that some issues are very important to me. Common Core is at the top of that list, for the future of our country depends on education, which for so long has been in the wrong hands as it was stealthily changed before our eyes.
In Mien Kampf, Hitler wrote, “if you have the children, you have the future”. So I use this issue, and others to a lesser degree, to measure candidates, especially those that are not forthright.
When it comes to judges, like many, I vote out of total ignorance and just guess when voting. So much information is hidden..or so it seems. What I have done to find qualifications for this group, to the best of my ability is ;a) find true party affiliation, b) determine whom or what party they support.It’s the old adage of, “If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas”. Continue reading “PICK’N PEOPLE..a.k.a., Sorting Through The 2014 Primaries”
Back Porch
Today will be the last meeting of the patriots of the BACK PORCH for 2011. It is a beautiful Florida morning with mild temperatures, smell of salt in the air, low humidity and gentle breezes. This has been a great a time for me, as well, I imagine, for the others, both men and women, that attend these gatherings.
Originally, this gathering began with 2 men meeting to share their experience, strength and hope with each other as well as each doing a good bit of listening. These patriots are an eclectic mixture of law, engineering, hydrology, broadcasting, medicine, technology, military, arms, small business owners with a few being retired military….and all being husbands, wives, fathers, grandfathers or mothers.