Dear Mr. Tim Cook and Apple BOD

It is sad that an American company, that has thrived as Apple has, has chosen to spit in the face of the country and the very constitution that provided the environment for such grand success.

75 million plus Americans are not wrong. 

Conversely, I do believe that you Mr. Cook, Apple and a small number of the Tech self-anointed “censors”,(just like Chairman Xi), DO NOT have the right of censorship, blackout, suppression, thought control or monetary tactics to silence opposing views, deny the flow of information. 

Mr Cook, that is not your job! That is each and every American’s job! We can think and discern for ourselves.

On the Apple site, along with a smiling, happy face, there is the slug line “Accessibility”, inviting us to “say anything..”, while at the same time, you are denying and eliminating Americans’ choices of where we obtain information and with whom we share it?

It is because you do not like or agree with what myself or other Americans’ opinions. You are not the first. You have copied what is done in Communist China, Cuba, Venezuela or any other communist regimes. You and your Tech brethren actions are showing your “Iron Curtain” mentality.

You and your ilk showi that  free expression is a threat. To us, it  is sad and at the same time dangerous in itself.


In your attempt to silence us, you use bogus narratives of stopping “false information”and “incitement of violence”, as reasons to remove our constitutional rights. Yet, at the same time, you allow violent anarchist groups like Antifa, BLM and others free reign to disseminate and glorify their messages of Burn, Loot Murder, destroy and vandalize, as they set explosives, demolish lives, property and small businesses in multiple cites.

Again, 75 million plus Americans are not wrong! 

With God’s help, we will act accordingly to utilize ways to protect our families, country, constitution and all of our God given rights, including Freedom of Speech.


C. Hamilton Boone,P.A.

USMC 1967-68

A government that is big enough to give you what you strong enough to take everything you have.

Thomas Jefferson

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