PART 2-WHAT’S NOT IN THE 1st AMENDMENT..The Bias of Omission..

We all can recite instances of the media “reporting” news and doing so by the bias of omission.

CNN is not happy. They have a poll out showing Trump’s approval ratings have spiked and gone up at the conclusion of the Kavanaugh confirmation fight. Not cool. Also, independents disapprove of the Democrats’ handling of the Kavanaugh nomination by a 28-point margin in the CNN poll. That’s not how it was supposed to be. That’s not what people were supposed to conclude. People were supposed to conclude that Kavanaugh is unfit!


Study: Economic Boom Largely Ignored as TV’s Trump Coverage Hits 92% Negative

Morgan Stanley: Belief in ‘American exceptionalism’ among global investors has never been higher


92% of Republicans think media intentionally reports fake news.

 Even though the poll exposes the truth that the majority of Democrats, Independents and Republicans  believe the MSM is biased and FAKE NEWS, they ignore the fact in the headline, by making it seem that it’s only Republicans, that see this biased and sometimes, overt lying by the MSM.

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