WHY WAIT? DeSantis Plans to Let Controversial COVID-19 Hospital Immunity Expire

Well it seems that Gov DeSantis is once again in the news. This time it is to let the Hospital Covid 19 Immunity possibly expire. As a very amateur JD, this 6 month “warming” move would be to the obvious advantage of the Hospital Conglomerate/Medical Group advantage, while a disadvantage to those seeking lawful recourse.

In March 2022, with the mountains of evidence of the harm and destruction done to patients and families, why would Governor DeSantis,  sign the Hospital Covid 19 Immunity bill, extending this one sided protection another 15 months.

Why can’t it be terminated now? Does the Gov have to wait till it expires? We are all aware of the denial of certain treatments to patients, while other treatments were forced on patients, as well as the  the mandated C19 jabs coupled with financial reward, that has killed and injured millions.

Again, I ask Gov DeSantis, WHY WAIT ?

Here is one of thousands of stories why Gov DeSantis shouldn’t have waited.

From Real Not Rare website…..


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