I wanted to see if what I had heard about the Trump rallies was so. I went to Kissimmee Thursday night to see for myself. What did I see and experience?
I saw an arena whose 8000 seat capacity was full. I saw energetic, pleasant people who loved the flag and our country waiting 3 hours until Donald Trump came on stage…on time. What I did not see was FLORIDA TODAY! Not one word in Fl Today. By the way, I am told that WESH TV reported only 300 people were at the rally. Another NBC Liberal organization. The very same liberal organization that splices video and audio.
Now I would have thought that Fl Today would have been at the event. They were not! There was a huge contention of reporters, TV cameras and tables set up to write their stories, but no Fl Today.
Fl Today is well-known for being biased, liberal and to manipulate the “facts” to THEIR agenda. This is demonstrated in their free fall in readership. Fl Today has demonstrated this penchant for distorting the truth time and again with their “accurate” reporting of such news as; ObamaCare, Common Core, the 912 rally in DC, the Stimulus, HHiLIARy emails..and of course, Benghazi..to name just a few.
So here is a 19 second video I took of the crowd. This video was taken about 30 minutes before Trump came on stage. By the way, he was right on time.
“Liberalism is what smart looks like to dumb people”
Florida Oh-So Not today again with their bias showing by not showing up!Liberal media trying to silence the true voice of “We the People” and steal an election.
I don’t disagree, but I do see a LOT of empty seats!!