Inadvertently, I have made a new “friend” by the name of Muhammad Aamir . He says he is an American born Muslim, and is/was a student at the University of Illinois in Chicago. Anyway, he has taken exception with a FB post I made.
The post asked why if Linda Sasour, the darling of CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, can organize a Muslim demonstration outside of Trump Tower protesting Trump’s stance on immigration from 7 terrorist exporting countries,(which effects only ~ 15% of the world Muslim population), then;
“Where have you been when thousands of men, women and children(largely Muslim) were being slaughtered in the name of Islam? I did not see you nor any other Muslims or Imams organize demonstrations or prayer vigils, or openly and strongly protesting against Jihad. You and the NYC Muslims and Imams have been deafeningly quiet about the slaughter that continues to take place in the name of Allah.”
Instead, Sasour takes aim at Trump policies that will help curb and stop terrorist from being imported into the USA. Hmmm..and this is the Theocracy of peace?
The exchange is very enlightening as this young man seems to be completely disconnected from reality. He utterly misses the fact that it is not the LA Dodgers that are terrorists, it is not the NY Mets that are terrorists, it is not the Baptists that are terrorists, it is not the Protestants that are terrorists, it is not the Mormons that are terrorists, it is not the Catholics that are terrorists, or any other group that are terrorists. No, the group that celebrates beheading, burning alive, drowning, running over or blowing up people;…are the Islamic Terrorists!
So, again, I ask; where is the outrage in the Muslim communities? Where is the visible condemnation of these heinous acts by these Cowards and Losers in the Muslim communities? Where is the outrage by the Imams in the Muslim communities? Where are the mass demonstrations against the Islamic Terrorism in the Muslim communities? It does not exist!
I promote hate Islamic Terrorists! I’m proud to call myself a Terrorist Hater.
You seem ok with Islamic Terrorists, who kill more Muslims than any other group…yet I’m the “hater” for asking the simple question; why don’t all “peace loving Muslims” openly condemn Islamic Terrorists? Why don’t all “peace loving Muslims” organize marches and prayer vigils that strongly decry these Losers and Cowards? The “hate promotion” is by the Islamic Terrorists, aka Losers and Cowards, and those that choose to remain quiet. So, as I previously remarked;
NYC Muslims have been deafeningly quiet about the slaughter that continues to take place all in the name of Allah.
This is America, and no matter your religious affiliation, the safety of our citizens comes first, so each man, woman and child may practice their religion or atheism if they choose.”