Over a year ago, we were told by Dr Anthony Fauchi, the “expert” on viruses, that C19 was a mild to moderate flu. He also stated emphatically,[just as a CDC study of 60 years worth of evidence says], that masks do not limit the spread of a respiratory virus, but can offer [psychological] “comfort” to the wearer. 

The outright lies by him and many, many others; all aided and abetted by dishonest, unscrupulous, lying ‘journalists” has led to an attack on America that has her shuddering. Lives lost, lives ruined, families destroyed, businesses gone…so what if we kill a few…look at the profit!

The mRNA injection is NOT a vaccine. It is EXPERIMENTAL, genetic engineering. It offers NO immunity, but look at the flip side.. you can get blood clots in the brain, lungs, vessels, or spontaneous abortions, and out of control menses. Oh yea, if you get the mRNA injection you can also be a super spreader.

Of interest  is a piece out of the small country of Gibraltar, that was 100% “vaccinated” with mRNA. What do we have?



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