Appalled by the degree of corruption that is in every area our government? Infuriated that deadly scandals such as Benghazi, Fast and Furious, BLM riots, Defund The Police, IRS, Russia Gate go unpunished? Frustrated and infuriated by the two tier Justice system?
Make no mistake, FREEDOM is under attack by those in our government and elsewhere. Their blood runs cold with hatred for America and those that love America.
The latest and quite possibly, the most damaging attack on our representative republic occurred with the 2020 Presidential election. There is overwheleming evidence of cheating in many forms. These different forms of cheating are historic in proportion or as a stand alone, or both.
Enter the August 2019 DefCon Conference. I had never heard of this conference, but stumbled across it after reading AOC, Kamala Harris and other Socialists complain of easily hackable voting systems in 2017. These systems were hacked at the DefCon 27 conference.
DefCon is a large and well known hacker convention which began in June 1993 and is held annually in Las Vegas. Attendees at DEF CON are from all walks of interests, including security researchers, security professionals, lawyers, professors, professionals, journalists, federal employees, including White House staff, students, and hackers with a general interest in software, computer architecture, hardware modification, conference badges, and anything else that can be “hacked”.
The Voter Village Hacking report released on September 27, summarized the findings from the DefCon27 conference and reaffirmed long known vulnerabilities that exist within today’s election environment.
According to Mother Jones,(not conservative by any stretch), the DefCon participants..” urge election officials to use machines relying on voter-marked paper ballots and pair those with “statistically rigorous post-election audits” to verify the outcome of elections that reflect the will of voters. However, it is notable—and especially disappointing—that many of the specific vulnerabilities reported over a decade earlier…are still present in these systems today.”
Why? For Years, All Machines With Documented Vulnerabilities Have Been And Continue To Be Used In Florida Elections.
I have attached the DefCon27 Village Hacking Report. I apologize for the marked copy. I expected to easily find another link for a “clean version”. I have been unable to do so. DEF CON 27 HACKING VILLAGE REPORT
Please pass this on..
Here is a simple 4 line petition from Rep Sabatini asking for an audit of 5 largest counties. That is not the answer. I called his office and stated I am in favor of complete audit. I also contacted Sen Mayfield’s[321-409-2025,] and Rep Fine’s office[321-409-2017,] with the same request.
We cannot go into 2022 with these machines!!!