Today, I find it amazing that in a nation founded on God-given truths, and demonstrated since the first humans stepped on earth, that the obvious, we are told, is not so; that a penis is not a penis. The argument of the LGBT crowd in their quest to be considered “normal”, and therefore having the ability to be “common type”. By definition, according to Webster; “Normal is occurring naturally”. So penis = male and vagina = female; no matter what someone may say or wish..these are the facts!

I have a friend at work who is female and is “married” to another female, whom my friend refers to as her “wife”. The “wife” had a hysterectomy, but my friend..the “husband”, is trying in vitro  fertilization, to become pregnant. Yes, in my eyes, a confused individual.  But that she calls herself a “husband”, in no matter of form or wish, makes her one. Man-splaining nails the pitfalls of allowing the lines between male and female to be blurred in our society.. Continue reading “A PENIS IS A PENIS..”