Notice what happened in the MITCH McCONNELL REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED SENATE. Americans repeatedly stabbed in the back by Republicans….from
On December 22, 2018 the 115th Congress was unable to reach a deal to fund some federal agencies through fiscal year 2019 after President Trump demanded $5 billion in funding for a southern border wall. The Senate had unanimously passed a bill to fund the government through 2019, without the border wall, the then Republican-controlled House amended the bill adding $5 billion in funding for a southern border wall. The Senate neglected to vote on that bill leaving it to die in the previous Congress.
When the REPUBLICANS controlled both houses of Congress, and could of easily provided the money for the WALL, Republicans purposefully, under the direction of
PAUL RYAN & MITCH McCONNELL, went against the wishes of President Trump and the American people who elected him.
The Shadow Government Republicans, along with their DemocRat cohorts, repeatedly ignored the wishes of the American people. Purposefully damaged our security, causing death of American citizens, harming our economy, all..for cheap labor.
The REPULI-CRATS’ SHADOW GOVERNMENT, in conjunction with their comrades in the Main Stream Media, the Obama Administration and Federal Agencies, have joined forces to pursue phony, manufactured investigations, all the while, demeaning and ruining many lives.
They are doing this for a multitude of reasons; the top being; 1) to protect Hillary Clinton’s”unsecured basement server” antics and the Clinton Crime Foundation from prosecution, 2) remove President Trump from office by phony investigations and attempting to lower his popularity numbers.

This is what a SILENT COUP looks like!
When there was not a Democrat majority present for the final vote, 4 RINOs, aka,
Republi-cRats, joined with the Dems and added their “yea” votes, so this monstrosity would pass.
Once again, we have Republicans saying; “to Hell with what America or the President of our party wants” ..Chris Smith, Elise Stefanick, John Katko, Brian Fitzpatrick and Will Hurd.
Vote | Party | Representative | District |
Yea | R | Smith, Chris | NJ 4th |
Yea | R | Stefanik, Elise | NY 21st |
Vote | Party | Representative | District |
Yea | R | Katko, John | NY 24th |
Yea | R | Fitzpatrick, Brian | PA 1st |
Yea | R | Hurd, Will | TX 23rd |