Dear liberal media, a.k.a. Bob, Matt, Mr. Neuhearth, the rest of the editorial staff, USA TODAY, etc, etc,
Since you are incapable of providing important information about the BENGHAZI COVER-UP OF THE MURDERS OF 4 AMERICANS, I have attached a letter from 56 members of Congress sent yesterday, Friday, November 2nd, to Obama and H. Clinton. The letter asks questions that you and your liberal brethren refuse to explore……all for the cheap prospect of getting this president re-elected. Unlike the November 1 AP (Administration Press) article in your paper that more or less said;…”move along, move along..nothing to see here.”, this letter does your job. In the same spirit as that of the US Congress helping you do your job, I have included another link with different topics that point to Benghazi and finding the facts.
Congressional Benghazi letter Nov 2 2012
….a Citizen..not a subject..
.. The very ones that are to protect the American people with the truth, are today fundamental threats to the republic and have become the enemy of the American people….
Thank you Ham for all you do. GIVE EM HELL!