“All students will complete school prepared…for community and global responsibilities.”

This is a well researched piece that must be read.We have the Chamber of Commerce, Bill Gates, our state legislature and Jeb Bush gunning for  our children. Our teachers are being told what and how to teach by those not in our district, much less in our state. We as parents are losing the ability to direct OUR child’s education; while all the while, the school board makes no effort to stop this from happening.

Also, please take a moment and go through the reference material listed at the end of this article.

Continue reading ““All students will complete school prepared…for community and global responsibilities.””



Are you like me and at times, feel overwhelmed? That no matter what you do…no one… or at the very least , very few are listening? That there seems to be a new crisis daily or a new “cause” to champion among the left. We fight the daily Common Core indoctrination shoved down our children’s throats along with age inappropriate text. What the hell is going on.

Fortunately, I found this piece on the website http://thefederalist.com . It explained in wonderful and simple detail exactly what is happening and what can be done to “turn our ship of state” back in the direction that our founding fathers had designed. The good news is 2 fold; that the TOOLS OF THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD,WANNABE DICTATORS AND ACADEMIA are age-old and not new. They, aka the oppressors, cannot survive where free expression and free association is practiced.

Read on absorb, and push back!



About 2 weeks ago, my wife and I went through the 2nd part of a process to contest a book found in the Media Center, (aka library) and AP English Lit/Composition course.

We had originally encouraged our son to take the course, believing that it would be good for him to hone his skills for taking his thoughts and putting them pen to paper. Sadly, this class was not that at all. It has turned out not to be so.

I have attached direct quotes from Beloved, so you may understand our concerns. Please be advised that there will be some crude and inappropriate language.

The particular work was Beloved, Toni Morrison. A work of fiction about what life was supposedly like for slaves in the pre-civil war era. Beloved, which is available for children, age 13-17 years of age at Satellite High School, has extremely descriptive scenes. Scenes, such as comparing sexual intercourse between a calf and a woman, Continue reading “THE EDUCATION OF BREVARD”


As many of you know, I am very involved in education issues, especially the dismantling of the unconstitutional, age inappropriate, Data Mining, spirit killing BIG GOVERNMENT MACHINE known as Common core. The letter that follows was submitted to the Polk County School Board by a teacher and it echoes so much of what we as parents have endlessly cried out about. She nails what is so very wrong with the government intrusion into our children’s lives in the form of Common Core…

Today I resigned from the school district. I would like to share with you what I gave them. Feel free to share it if it strikes you as important. Continue reading “THE HEART OF A TRUE TEACHER”

PARENTS Right of Choice for their Kids

Recently, my wife and I went before a Book Reconsideration Committee to ask that the novel, BELOVED be removed from the Media Centers of all Brevard County Public Schools. This was done after meeting with the teacher and the pro-book principle.

BELOVED is a novel that features, among other things, ghosts, rape, bestiality and pedophilia. My wife and myself felt that it was age inappropriate for 14-17 year olds.

This piece is in response to an article by Mr. Torres, Satellite High ban of ‘Beloved’ book fails published in the Florida Today newspaper, this past Saturday and Sunday. Since Mr. Torres had not spoken with my wife or me as he did with members of the “committee” and Ms Van Meter, the head of Curriculum for Brevard County Schools, I felt it imperative that the complete story of why we protested this book be presented.

As parents, it is our duty to our son, to be very involved in his education and what influences he receives through that process. Life is tough enough, without altering reality. If involvement means going before a committee,that is hand-picked by the principle, which includes a former student of the teacher whose class the book is presented ,  so be it.

This work of fiction, is available to ALL students in High School Medica Centers; meaning that kids, age 14 on up, have access. In this course, there were 100s of other books to choose from to be on “the list of 10”, given to these children, without having to resort to this work of fiction with its attendant explicit language etc.


The fact is, books, like BELOVED, containing fictitious, inappropriate, explicit, sexual language and descriptive sexual acts; as well as detailed descriptions of body parts and the composition of bodily fluids, for 14-year-old to 17-year-old children for high school credit is wrong…by any author. Continue reading “PARENTS Right of Choice for their Kids”