Another hard hitting and fact laden piece in the Orlando Slantinal..

Mr.Scott Maxwell evidently did not take the time to speak with any of the parents that submitted 33 sworn affidavits, nor testified before the Florida Senate Education Committee, as to why the Materials Review process, from our own personal experience, is broken. Go figure! After all, as Mr Maxwell states, we don’t want to worry about what our kids are exposed to, right?  What exactly is Mr Maxwell afraid of ? Is it presenting all sides of an issue equally and fairly? Is it having parents truly involved in the decision making?

-It is in the affidavit

We want a system that is transparent and parent centered when considering educational materials. That is the parent’s job. If Mr Maxwell had spoken with me or read my affidavit, he would have learned that we want a system set up so that parents can decide which materials are appropriate or not and guide their child’s education.

-It is in the affidavit

It is about having a system, that is easily accessible to the parents, offering full disclosure of school material content, with any previous/present objections and/or praises. That way, the parent can make informed decisions.Today, that does not exist.

-It is in the affidavit

Today, if a parent wishes to challenge material, (opening their child to ostracization), the 2 school committees are hand-picked by the principle. All members were Brevard Public School employees or have a relationship with the principle.

The same goes for the School Board committee. So the very same system that presently blocks any active and meaningful parent’s participation, is the same system to decide appropriateness of material.

-It is in the affidavit

Mr. Maxwell continues , “But now, in the age of fragile snowflakes — where people want to be shielded from any information that might test their assumptions…” . Really?

If the Theory of Evolution, which is not a fact,(therefore..a Theory) is taught as a fact, then so should Creation. If Science Deniers teach Man-made Global Warming as a scientific fact, which is not, then the converse, using the scientific method to disprove this false assertion should be taught and published. It never is, instead, we are called names because we contest the content; whether age inappropriate or against our values as parents, or just not the truth. So Mr Maxwell, who exactly is being “shielded from any information that might test their assumptions”? Seems like your liberal ideals promote censorship, rather than encouraging open learning and discourse. If all sides of a topic are not being taught (which they are not), then that is a disservice to all children, and is Censorship.

-It is in the affidavit

I can attest to the fact that today, educational material does not evenly and fairly delve into all sides of many topics. This came to light early on while reading some of my sons books and later while reviewing multiple K-12 textbooks over the last few years,

Critical thinking is not force feeding one line of thinking into a child’s mind full of mush. Critical thinking is taking ALL facts, assumptions and information, debating openly and fairly, weighting all details and then making an informed decision.

“Snowflakes”? Are they the ones too afraid to have conflicting ideas published and debated in the light of day? Are Snowflakes doing the “Chicken Little” impersonation, while frantically running around yelling book banners, pro-censorship, book banners, pro-censorship?

-It is in the affidavit

Speaking of banning books, I have not seen the best selling text in history in public schools and being openly studied and debated; that would be the Bible. Why not “fight” for that one?

Mr Maxwell, the statue you referenced with “1000s of words” does not contain the language to enforce what the statute says. That is why we have the present bill. I don’t understand how you missed that.

-It is in the affidavit


State Rep.Mercado says she has;..” been able to handle any concerns regarding my children’s educational needs,” Mercado said, “with their teachers, school administration and, if necessary, the school board.” Do you think, just maybe, that being  a STATE REP. AND BEING CONNECTED might have something to do with that? Sorry, the vast majority of parents don’t have that luxury. Additionally, Rep. Smith says,“The existing process to object to school instructional materials isn’t broken.” Spoken like a man that has NOT gone through the process.

Once more; this is not about being book banners or pro-censorship. It is about empowering parents to have a meaningful and impactful influence in what their children are being taught and  exposed to in school. Presently, here in Brevard County, that process is null and void of any true parent involvement what so ever. To the contrary, parents are blocked.

-It is in the affidavit

The philosophy of the classroom for one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next.

Abe Lincoln



Continue reading “IT’S IN THE AFFIDAVIT…”



Below is the affidavit I submitted to the Florida Senate Education Committee. It partial outlines the horrible state of parent’s rights in Brevard County Public Schools to directing their children’s education. Further, this is done by the Brevard County School Board’s purposeful blocking of any meaningful and direct involvement by parents. Please understand that this document does not address the more than 28 suggestions sent to Superintendent Blackburn to make the Materials Challenge Process more parent friendly. Quite the contrary, none of the suggestions were adopted, and the process remains unchanged. Continue reading “MATERIALS CHALLENGE AFFIDAVIT PRESENTED TO THE FLORIDA SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE..”



This is the followup  from the April 20,2017  Orlando Sentinel article. Here is my affidavit that will explain in detail what was written sparingly about.

The affidavit was given to the Florida Senate. I later testified before them. It will explain what has compelled me to speak out, write and protest the issue of parents not being allowed to have any meaningful and impactful role in their child’s education.

The philosophy of the classroom for one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next.

Abe Lincoln




A friend sent to me the Orlando Sentinel article below. Erroneously stated, I don’t want to remove books,! I am for a system that allows parents  full disclosure of the content, with any previous/present objections and/or praises, that is easily accessible to the parent. This venue will allow the parent to make informed decisions about what their child is being exposed to. In the past, as well as the present new form, the Materials Challenge process does not allow this. In fact, the deck is stacked against the parent!  The 2 committees hand-picked by the principle and the School Board committee are almost all employees of the same system that presently blocks any active and meaningful parent’s participation.

This past year, a review of the Materials Challenge process was announced by Brevard School Board. Presently, the Materials Challenge process is anti-parent and does not allow for parent’s common sense oversight. Although the above suggestion, (full disclosure of the content, with any previous/present objections or praises easily accessible to the parent),  was presented to Superintendent Blackburn, this suggestion, along with other pro-parent suggestions, was completely blocked by Superintendent Blackburn, and his hand-picked, 3 member school board employee group.

Of vital importance is that the Materials Challenge policy and procedure was originally made to address parent’s concerns, yet Superintendent Blackburn made certain that no “outside” parent(s) were allowed to be part of the review.

Interestingly enough, Mr. Haught, a “high school science teacher”, and member of the Florida Citizens for Science ,says this bill is about censorship, when in actuality, it is about giving parents the power to exercixe there right as parents to direct their child’s education. The school board and teachers are suppose to be under the direction of the parents, not the other way around. Sadly, through the years that has changed, but parents have  decided to take back their responsibility.

Being a “high school science teacher”is not a qualifier to true scientific knowledge, or for that matter, teaching science and the facts. Consider Mr. Haught’s group, Florida Citizens for Science,  who resort to the “science” of name calling, (the usual tool of the left) calling parents that support the bill, “Creationists, climate change deniers and anti-vaccine nuts..”. In fact, here we have a “science” teacher, not teaching by the scientific method, as well as fighting to keep an opposing point of view from seeing the daylight. One last thing; Mr. Hauge wrote, “gives “protesters on a crusade nearly equal weight in the instructional materials selection processes as education and subject matter experts,”. Mr. Hauge, parents are subject matter and education experts also.

In my next post, I will provide my affidavit given to the Senate Education Committee. It goes into much more detail of the lengths that Sup. Blackburn went to sabotage any meaningful and impactful parental involvement in my child’s and other children’s education.
 Orlando Sentinel
Parents may get new way to challenge school textbooks

Florida residents who view state-approved school textbooks as “too liberal” and some books in school libraries as inappropriate have persuaded state lawmakers to push legislation that would make it easier for them to object to classroom materials they don’t like.

“Today, parents are purposely blocked from being involved in their children’s education,” said Hamilton Boone, a Brevard County father who tried unsuccessfully to get the novel “Beloved,” a Pulitzer-Prize winning work, removed from his son’s high school library in 2015.

Under the proposed bills (HB 989 and SB 1210), residents could more easily object to books, textbooks and other classroom materials, review volumes in school libraries and, if needed, argue their views before an “unbiased and qualified hearing officer” who could deem the items unsuitable and require they not be used. Now, residents can protest materials, but they take their complaints only to the local school board.

Critics of the bills, however, view them as an attempt at censorship that will undermine educational quality.

Boone and his wife — who called Toni Morrison’s novel “pornographic material” — are among 25 people who have written affidavits contending that local school boards have ignored their pleas about objectionable books and assignments in public schools. Lawmakers have cited the affidavits to explain why a new law is needed.

The current process, Boone’s wife, Penny, wrote in her affidavit, is “geared 100% against the parent.”

The House version of the bill is ready for a vote by the full chamber. The Senate bill has one more committee stop.

The proposals have alarmed some science advocates, who fear the measures could lead to books that tackle controversial but required scientific topics, such as evolution, being removed or to those subjects being axed from class lessons.

In one of the affidavits, for example, a Martin County resident wrote about her objections to a textbook used in an Advanced Placement course. “Presentation of evolution as fact … The vast majority of Americans believe that the world and the beings living on it were created by God as revealed in the Bible,” wrote Lynda Daniel.

Several groups, including the National Coalition Against Censorship, have written a letter to lawmakers urging the bills’ defeat. Some also worry the legislation could force schools districts to hold several time-consuming hearings, even if the objections to a textbook come from one resident who may not have children in the public schools.

“If this bill becomes law, school boards will become inundated with demands that certain books be outright banned and that schools must discontinue using textbooks that don’t mesh with a vocal minority’s ideological views,” wrote Brandon Haught, a Volusia County high school science teacher and member of the group Florida Citizens for Science.

The bills are a “disaster” and would mean school boards would have to deal with “nonsense complaints” in a process that gives “protesters on a crusade nearly equal weight in the instructional materials selection processes as education and subject matter experts,” he said.

Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon, the Senate sponsor, said the bills are an effort to close loopholes in a 2014 law and make sure residents have a way to challenge school books they view as inappropriate.

Most school textbooks purchased by Florida’s 67 school districts come from a list of state-approved instructional materials. And in most counties, residents likely won’t object, Lee said.

But, he added,“there are some counties where the constituents … believe that the instructional material being vetted by the state is too liberal and therefore some of the instructional material has inappropriate information by their community standards.”

The majority of the affidavits are from residents of Collier County in southwest Florida.The House bill is sponsored by a Collier resident, Rep. Bryron Donalds, R-Naples. Donalds’ wife, Erika, is on the Collier County School Board and a member of the Florida Coalition of School Board members, a 3-year-old group that espouses conservative principles.

Collier resident Yvonne Isecke wrote in her affidavit that when her oldest child began middle school, she noticed “very disturbing content” in the curriculum, including “sexual explicitness, Anti-Americanism, political and Islamic indoctrination.”

She said she complained “to no avail” to teachers, the school principal, the superintendent and school board members.

The affidavits were collected by the Florida Citizens’ Alliance, a group whose focus is to “stop federal overreach and restore our individual rights.”

Ruth Melton, director of advocacy services for the Florida School Boards Association, said her group believes residents should be able to voice their views about school books. But it has some concerns about the bills, such as whether they will mean residents could continue to file protests long after school boards have voted to adopt textbooks for use in upcoming classes.

“Have we created language here that just invites challenge and litigation?” she said. “How could this go sideways?” or 407-420-5273




Parents ROCK Brevard, (Right Of Choice for Kids) is a volunteer group consisting of parents, grandparents, relatives and citizens. ROCK’s focus is having parent centered decisions once again key in all educational issues, especially teaching materials and policies.

Many parents and citizens are exasperated by many aspects of their school district leadership, as well as local educational mandates and policies and those that came down to us from Tallahassee. Paramount among the many problems is some material that children are exposed to, as well as lesson plans, both print or electronic.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017, Hamilton Boone, a parent and founding member of PRB, attended the Brevard County school board meeting. Mr.Boone gave a short (3 min) analysis of the K-6 textbooks and Weekly Readers that PRB had recently reviewed. The K-6 textbooks and Weekly Readers are being considered for use in the Brevard County School District.

PRBsreview, showed serious issues with the 5th grade TCI AMERICA’S PAST, TCI AMERICA’S PAST, GRADE 5 submitted copy and the 6th grade NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WORLD HISTORY – ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS, NG-AncientCivilizations Grade 6 word copy.

Tina Descovich, a co-founding member of PRB and newly elected District 3 School Board representative, provided some very gratifying news to Mr. Boone and PRB.  Mrs. Descovich stated that due to the reviews submitted by PRB, the Brevard Elementary Leading and Learning Committee removed TCI AMERICAN’S PAST and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WORLD HISTORY – ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS, from consideration. 

Mr. Boone said that Parents ROCK Brevard received help from Truth In Textbooks. TNT, founded by Lt Col.(Ret)Roy White, along with the cadre of TNT volunteers proved invaluable. Of interest, Mr. White, has developed a simple and concise way to efficiency and effectively review textbooks. His course is through a free interactive on-line course.  The next on-line course will be given this July and will consist of 4-1 hour/week interactive online sessions.

Anyone interested in more information can contact Mr. Boone at .