I will be out of the loop for a while, so I wanted to be sure to touch base with you all. This may be the only post before my hiatus,(quit smiling), or it may not. Just depends on how things are going by Monday morning.

I followed with interest all the hoopla about the recently passed ANTI-CORRUPTION BILL by 100% of the Florida legislature. Yep, every single Republican and every single Democrat voted for the so called Florida Today Network ANTI-CORRUPTION BILL. Coinciding with this rare voting anomaly, were recent studies that placed Florida either #1 or #3 in federal public corruption convictions.

So l began to ask, how is it, that the most or one of the most corrupt legislatures, ( money flows from Tallahassee), would vote 100% for a bill to correct the problem that is them!? Of course, here we have a great example of “cooperation” by Dems and Republicants. A kind of CYA strategy.

Additionally,the Florida Today and Mat Reed claim to have “spearheaded” this. This is the same Florida Today, along with Matt Reed that assured us that Obama was going to be great for America, that ObamaCare would save every family $2500/ year, that we could keep our doctor, that we could keep our health plan, That Common Core was great for our kids, that the IRS doesnt single our conservative groups, that Benghazi was due to a video, that Hillary’s emails are a Republican conspiracy.So…I ask questions..

This is along the same lines as a cat cleaning it’s own cat box…aint going to happen!  It just gets covered up!!



Not Islamic Terrorists, but Conservatives are the Left’s enemy

I found a great website named TheReligionOfPeace.com . Be sure to check it out.
It was included in a dialogue by Rush Limbaugh that really hits the nail on the head. To paraphrase; the question has to be why would you want to give legitimacy to a people whose goal is to end you and your families freedom and way of life; everything you hold dear, so that they can then rule over you by Sharia or Islāmic law?
It is well worth the read..

Continue reading “Not Islamic Terrorists, but Conservatives are the Left’s enemy”





The world sees multiple beheadings, burnings and drownings of Christians and other Muslims by Muslims …and our President is mute. The President allows the America/Israel hating Islāmic State of Iran having sanctions removed, and billions of dollars given to these cowards that hate anyone different from them. All the while,our President is blind and mute to the responsibility of protecting Americans and their allies.  He chooses only to see what is good for Iran/Islam, while choosing to be completely blind the safety of our children and those of our allies, the world…and other Muslims.

I see our president and Sec of State, helping the Islamist cowards grow by creating a vacuüm in Libia that allowed ISSL and others, a place for their hatred of anyone different to grow. The President is mute..offering some very inconsequential drone attacks, while the radical Muslim/Islāmic cowards spread their hate Westward.



Here is a Valentine’s love letter from Mr. Eric Miller, RPOF State Committeeman for Martin County to Vice Chairman, RPOF  Mr. Joe Gruters. It is very telling of the  “REPUBLICAN’T” party as a whole, both locally and nationally. Basically, Mr Miller is afraid of the “appearance” of impropriety due to Mr Gruters’ position with the RPOF and simultaneously being Chairman of Trump’s Florida campaign.

14 February 2016

Mr. Vice Chairman:              

As Americans we once again find ourselves at a crossroads as a Nation. We are at this juncture by no other reason than our own.  I am sending this open letter to you with the sense that if those with influence do not speak out now, we will all pay a heavy price when Liberty is lost and darkness consumes our Nation.

With Progressive elements now in control of leadership across both sides of the aisle, be cautioned that the Republican Party will either be known in history as the vehicle that solidified a National Socialist as President or we will be remembered as the people that restored our great Nation to a Constitutional Republic.

We can no longer feed our desire to “win at all costs” as Republicans and Americans with malevolent pomposity. It is time that we all begin to perform our political duties not in our own interests but based on our common American principles of Liberty.

Joe, I know you well enough to say that you are not the unprincipled shell of a man that Donald Trump is. Nor do you wish to bring harm to the name Republican. However, your position as Florida Co-Chairman of the Donald Trump for President Campaign is doing just that.

You are not the issue. Your title and how it is being viewed are the matter at hand.

I am respectfully asking that you choose between your office as Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida and the position of Florida Co-Chairman with Mr. Donald Trump. The two positions create a contradiction of principle and do not allow for or give the appearance of unbiased behavior as Vice Chairman of the third largest Republican State in the Union.

I am sure that I echo a loud voice when I say that we would welcome the opportunity to have you on our side as a Party leader and as our Vice Chairman in Florida. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter. I will pray that you are guided to make an ethical decision that is based on the principles of American Constitutionality and one that reflects best on our Grand Old Party.


Eric D. Miller

RPOF State Committeeman

Martin County


Mr Miller,

Talk about “malevolent pomposity”!

Sir, not to worry, the “name” of the “REPUBLICAN’T”  party of Florida has long been sullied! It is no longer the party of Lincoln, but a corrupt, double-dealing, exploiting machine, both locally and nationally. Continue reading “MALEVOLENT POMPOSITY ; THE PRESENT DAY REPUBLICAN PARTY”

Brevard County: How Benghazi “backfire” on Matt Reed

Saturday morning, , my family and I went to see 13 HOURS: THE SECRET SOLDIERS OF BENGHAZI. It was an incredble film about the men who were actually on the ground; in the fight . They are known as the Global Response Staff; GSR.

Kris “Tanto” Paronto, John “Tig” Tiegan, Mark “Oz” Geist,Ty “Rone” Woods(deceased), Jack Silva and DB Benton.

I would highly recommend the movie to everyone.

I came away mad once again. Mad; because I recalled Florida Today’s Mr Matt Reed’s anathema of Brevard citizens, and how flippant and condescending he was; culminating that any of us who do not believe as he believes,  is ..emotionally vested in bad information”. I choose to believe the GSR that were actually there.

After Senator Feinstein’s staff report was released, Mr Reed, chose to excoriate the citizens of Brevard in his Dec 2014 article, Matt Reed: How Ferguson, Benghazi “backfire” in Brevard. In all reality, it was aimed at me, for I had hung the liberal Mr Reed and the liberal Florida Today out multiple times for,…once again, reporting only that which is expedient to their’s or those they follow, agendas. At that time, the agenda was getting Obama re-elected and protecting Mrs Clinton from criticism.


The bottom line is that  American lives were lost, and by honoring the dead and about the living; we need to know, exactly, just how and why these failures occurred. The 2014 report did not accomplish this due to either faine ignorance,  political ambitions or worse, political payback; such as demonstrated by Mrs. Feinstein. Their reports,( Feinstein’s staff actually wrote the report, and after multiple calls, I was unable to speak to any staff member responsible for the report) which to me, represented a flippant devaluation of life , based on their (Feinstein and Rogers) personal desires.

Benghazi: Poor Ms Feinstein; her phones tapped by the CIA, and then having to put this report together. No payback there;( the GSR was under the command of the CIA). Tough work.

Poor Mr Rogers; leaving out vital parts of the GSR’s testimony given under oath or completely fabricating from thin air. Ms Feinstein and Mr Rogers work well in concert.

The men of the GSR..the ones that were actually there in the fight on the ground..reacted to the report by outlining 14 “inaccuracies”  in

Benghazi Heroes Debunk House Intel Report as ‘Full of Inaccuracies’ with Firsthand Account

Although only the House report is referenced, it is essentially the same information contained in both reports.

Matt Reed insults; no, he dishonors Kris “Tanto” Paronto, John “Tig” Tiegan, Mark “Oz” Geist,Ty “Rone” Woods(deceased), Jack Silva and DB Benton as emotionally vested in bad information”. Who perpetrates the lie Mr Reed? What a clown!


Continue reading “Brevard County: How Benghazi “backfire” on Matt Reed”