Dear SEC Commissioners,
I am an Alabama fan of 73 years. I love Bama and the awesome SEC. I turned off the Florida, Missouri game today due to the disrespect to America and its Flag. 
Also, I am a Us Marine Veteran.
Although I was raised in Florida, I will not support any team or network that chooses to air and support the false dangerous narrative of systemic racism and the Marxist organization, Black Lives Matter, Inc. On BLM’s website, two of the three founders brag about being Marxist trained. Marxism equals communism!
I find the actions of the SEC & it’s Network to demonstrate fake empathy, either through ignorance, fear of retribution or wanton pandering. Your actions have inflamed Americans.
Your support of these false, dangerous narratives and Marxism is an insult to American, the flag and the military.
I don’t go to politics for football and I most certainly will not go to football for politics.I am not the only one that feels this way.
Although I’m a Bama fan of 73 years, I will not watch another game, including BAMA, if the SEC chooses to promote these false, dangerous narratives, and/or the Marxist group, BLM.
Hamilton Boone, P.A.

THE ORLANDO SLANTINAL; lying with the best

This morning, I was searching for information about drive thru and mail-in voting and came across a recent Orlando Sentinel editorial. Due to circumstances, I vote absentee ballot, which I mail in, but which is not the same as the “mail-in ballot”.

Here in Florida, the Mass Media(Fake News), is up to their usual distortions and outright lies in order to manipulate the masses. They have lost sight of their duty to accurately report the news and instead are focused on making up the news.

According to an ORLANDO SLANTINAL editorial, published September 9, 2020, President Trump instructed America to “vote twice”. The spewing of lies by this treacherous editorial board orders us..”not to follow the law-and-order president’s advice to break the law”.

My duty as a husband and father, is to make the best informed decisions for my family. Media’s duty is to that provide accurate information!

Media that chooses not to provide me with all the accurate information, purposefully distorting and lying to me, so I cannot make the best decisions for my family, which in turn harms my family is an ENEMY OF MINE! Continue reading “THE ORLANDO SLANTINAL; lying with the best”


Concerning the Presidential election and Covid19;

HIS (played by Mark Zuckerberg) plan, is to make sure you get only HIS “facts”. HE alone, though Fakebood & Instagram, will decide which posts are accurate. HE alone will remove those found not worthy and redirect readers to HIS links with “credible” and “accurate information.The thing that I’m very sensitive [about] is having us be the ultimate deciders of what is right and wrong and true and false in the world.” 

HE professes that mail in voting, (where you don’t need to prove who you are), is safe, legitimate and free of fraud, and by extension, that Vote Harvesting is a myth. HE will decide how long AFTER the election votes may be counted, and by extension, declaring who the legitimate winner is.

Zuckerberg’s actions, through Fakebook & InstaGram, are reminiscent of the misinformation campaigns of the National Socialist Party of Germany and other Socialists regimes…claim you are representing the opposite of what you are actually doing.

Zuckerberg states,..”I generally believe that the best antidote to bad speech is more speech..”.

In Zuckerberg”s world, more means less.. Continue reading “GOD, AS PLAYED BY MARK ZUCKERBERG”


Courtesy of Rush Limbaugh and a great monolouge, here is a list of many of the FAKE MEDIA driven false attacks on our President Trump, starting before he became President.

Make no mistake, this is an attack on all Americans who voted and supported him in 2016. It is also an attack on those Americans that did not support him, but through the actions of the leftist, (MLB, Antifa, etc) and the Democrats, are now eager for a change.

All the Things That Were Going to Be the End of Trump…

RUSH: I want to try to tell you where I think we are right now. You might be saying, “Where we are? I mean, ain’t it obvious where we are?” Yeah, I know, I know. But I mean in a strict political sense. I think those of you that pay attention to conservative media, you probably noticed something. You probably have noticed that it seems like more and more people that you would think are on our side, on Trump’s side, seem to be fading away and joining the anti-Trump side.

I have sensed it. I see it. I know who it is. I mean, I could give you the names. I don’t want to do that because I don’t want that to be the focal point of what I’m saying. But I’ll tell you where I think we are right now. Even though it’s months earlier in the campaign, you remember when the Access Hollywood video came out in October 2016? This was the videotape that NBC had had for years and years. Trump had made a video he didn’t know was being made with Billy Bush who was the host of an NBC show called Access Hollywood.

And it was on this show that Trump talked about what rich guys get away with, about what powerful guys get away with regarding women. And he was very explicit in where you can touch them and grab them, and they will not do anything about it. Remember that? All hell broke loose. Everybody thought, “That’s it.” The October Surprise. “That’s it. It’s over for Trump.” Remember the defectors?

Remember, we already had a Never Trump contingency that was loud as it could be, and when that Access Hollywood video was released, there were people who thought, “Well, that’s it. That’s it. I knew it was never gonna happen,” Trump supporters said. “I knew it was nothing but a dream.” Well, just to remind you, I did not think that it meant anything. I did not think that it represented the end of the Trump campaign or candidacy.

And I remember telling you that I sent a note to people in the Trump campaign to not regard it that way. I sent a note to the Trump campaign telling them to fight back on this because the American people are sick and tired of having their elections determined every year by the so-called October Surprise, a bunch of news from years and years ago that’s irrelevant to anything that’s purely dirty politics designed to take somebody out.

I said the people supporting Trump are not going to abandon him over this. I told the Trump campaign that, to anybody who would listen. I got a reply. But I had any number of people, I was telling them, “This is not going to cause Trump voters to abandon him. It’s not going to even shake the earth.”

But the Democrats all thought he was toast. They all thought it was over. They all thought that this was gonna launch Hillary, she didn’t have to do anything but show up now. And of course then the next debate came, and what happened? Trump put all of the women Bill Clinton had tried to destroy in the front row to where Hillary Clinton couldn’t miss them, to point out who really had abused women.

It wasn’t him. It was just a videotape, for crying out loud, talking about and joking and laughing and bragging about what rich guys get to do, can do, but nothing that Trump actually did.

Meanwhile, he seated all of those women that had accused Clinton of abusing them in the front row. And then when that Access Hollywood video ended up not deterring Trump and not taking him out, you have to think back hard to remember, but the media, the American political class, the professionals, they were beside themselves. They could not understand how that had not worked. And that began, that lone event then began this realization on the part of these people that nothing they have in their arsenal will take him out.

And now we’re four years later, and nothing in their arsenal takes him out. And they are beside themselves. They cannot believe it. Their impotence where getting rid of Trump is concerned has consumed them. It is eating their brains cell by cell. That’s why they’re getting insane. Anyway, that’s the exact moment we are, right here, right now in this campaign.

There’s no new Access Hollywood video, but what’s happened is the virus and the economy falling apart, the lockdown and Trump and all of these things that they’ve tried to say add up to his incompetence, we now have a bunch of people on our side, is my point, who are defecting because they think that this confluence of events is gonna take Trump out just like they thought the Access Hollywood video is gonna take Trump out.

So I thought it would be well worth our time for a short review of the attempts by the Drive-By Media and the Democrat Party to take out Donald Trump since 2016. As I have said for decades now, the Drive-By Media have a well-honed operation. They run into a situation, they stir up a lot of dust, they create controversy upon controversy, they create an absolute mess filled with lies and destruction and personal destruction, and then they leave. They head on down the highway to do it again somewhere else, leaving somebody else to clean up their mess.

Now we’ve been watching for four years now a new method of causing chaos. And the new method of causing chaos is the attempt to terminate Donald Trump. The Drive-By Media’s never-ending attempt to terminate Donald Trump is what is creating all of this chaos, angst, and anger. Let’s just review some of the things we have had to live through, which in every one of these things there were people on our side who thought, “Uh-oh. He’s toast. They got him on this one.”

Remember the Access Hollywood video is number one. Then came the golden showers story in the Steele dossier.

Remember that? Trump was in Moscow at a hotel, and as the story goes, somebody told him he’s staying in the same suite that Obama and Michelle stayed, in fact, staying in the same bed. So what did Trump do, he called up a bunch of prostitutes, had ’em come over and urinate on the bed. That’s in the Steele dossier.

That’s what Comey told Trump he should know about what’s in the dossier. That alone was supposed to get rid of Trump as well. Didn’t work.

Then the Michaels. Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal fix it attorney, Michael Avenatti, Stormy Daniels, Paul Manafort, General Flynn, all of these episodes.

I’m going through them in little time at all, but they all represented weeks and weeks and weeks of angst and disgust. And we were supposed to conclude that Trump was finished because every one of these people had the goods. Remember?

Every damn one of these people had what everybody wanted, that one bit of data that Trump had not paid his taxes or that Trump had paid his taxes but not enough or that Trump did this or that Trump did that. Every one of these people — Manafort, Avenatti, Stormy Daniels, they all had the goods on Trump, and they had nothing and never did.

The General Flynn fiasco.

E. Jean Carroll. She’s the one who claimed Trump raped her in Bloomingdale’s. Whatever happened to that? We got three weeks to a month out of that one.

We had Dr. Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician who supposedly was lying about Trump’s health. That Trump was actually deadly sick. He was in very, very bad health. And this guy was lying on behalf of Trump because Trump was, whatever, paying him off.

We had the kids-in-cages photos. Oh, yeah. Trump was such a mean guy, he’s separating children from adults in the illegal alien population coming into the country and putting ’em in cages like animals, and there were the pictures during Obama administration.

The problem was there were kids in cages, and there were pictures of it, but they were from 2014 when Barack Hussein O was the president. Every Trump phone call to every world leader was leaked. Some of it was lies. Some of it was made up. Some of it was legitimate. Then we had Roger Stone.

Then we had Carter Page.

And we had George Papadopoulos.

Then we had the entire Russiagate scandal, the whole corruption thing that was its own entity. It’s still going on, actually, for three and a half years which led to Ukraine and Trump had asked them for dirt on Biden and so forth.

Folks, it was every day. It’s impossible even to make up a comprehensive, full list. But every week for the last 208 weeks there has been some kind of ginned up hysteria, not just a story, ginned up hysteria why the left said, “We got him this time, we got him, this is it.” The Mueller report, the Ukraine story, the impeachment testimony, the impeachment hearings, everything. I mean, the list is endless, and it was events happening daily.

We had books, we had books by anonymous somebody in the White House working on the Trump staff pointing out that Trump didn’t know what he was doing half the time, didn’t care; the other half, but not to worry, there are adults here and the country is being protected from this little man-child, Mr. Orange Man. We had books by Omarosa, a turncoat former loyalist. Where’d that go?

We had books by the Mooch, Scaramucci.

All of these people were turned into media heroes. And where did they end up? We don’t even know where they are now. Bob Woodward, Michael Wolff.

Remember all the bogus BS that he even admitted to publishing and said, “Hey, they gave me a front-row seat, I needed sell books. Who cares?” James Comey starting at 2016 in the campaign exonerating Hillary Clinton and then single-handedly running the scam investigation again Donald Trump.

We’ve had all of the Never Trumpers who’ve now formed a club among themselves. They have been rendered impotent due to abject, poisonous hatred for somebody. Donna Brazile. I mean, there are over 50 books that have been written about Trump, all of them in one way or the other claiming that he’s insane, unstable, unfit. And, meanwhile, not a single one of them has had anything approaching success in getting rid of Donald Trump.

And now what do we have? “Oh, my God. Oh, my God. It’s starting up all over again. John Bolton, yeah. Yeah. That’s the ticket. Bolton’s gonna be the guy. Bolton’s gonna be the guy that gets rid of Trump. Oh, my God.” Orgasm central. John Bolton. Nobody ever had an orgasm looking at Bolton until now. And now the left’s going nuts. They can’t contain themselves. Gotta tighten the belt. “Oh, my God. Bolton, Bolton, Bolton. Gotta get Trump.” Want to bet?

Now there’s an upcoming book from Trump’s niece on all the family horrors. Now we got the coronavirus. We got all this garbage from the Marxists at Black Lives Matter. And again just remember, this really doesn’t get into much detail about the impeachment, Russia, the Mueller report, congressional investigation. This has been our life every day, 208 weeks every day intense, every Drive-By publication and network, four times an hour the New York Times, four times a day with all of these different publications.

And every bit of it lies. Not a single word of it has been true about anything, particularly the Russia investigation. Is it any wonder you feel exhausted? There isn’t a week, there’s not a three-day period that goes by where you get a break from it. And there won’t be. We are witnessing a violent Marxist uprising under the guise of social justice that has co-opted an amazingly successful cohort of white, Millennial, college educated women.

The Democrats know that we’re witnessing a violent Marxist uprising, and their silence is a green light for more. And I might say that the Republican Party silence, no pushback, is a green light for more.

They spied on Donald Trump. It didn’t keep him out of office. A silent coup did not remove him from office. A bogus impeachment did not remove him from office. And now there’s a violent uprising meant to remove him from office. The Marxists at Black Lives Matter will admit this is their purpose, to get rid of Donald Trump.

It is meant to create sufficient chaos — defacing monuments, tearing down statues, burning and looting random businesses guarantee Trump’s defeat in November. This is the Democrat Party plan in action. They are the sponsor, they are the promoter of all of this that is happening.

So we find ourselves at the very same time, not calendar-wise, where people get scared, “Oh, my God. The Bolton book. Oh, my God.” So people are now defecting again like they did during the Access Hollywood video. I would warn all of you, none of this is gonna get Trump. Because none of these people had anything to do with making Trump. It’s a very important point.


Ya know, I’ve been thinking, what would be a fitting award for an elected official that has used his office to attack a private citizen. Then, like a bolt of lighting, it came to me!

I decided a fitting name for this award for legislative cowardice should be the… HARRY REID AWARD. Harry Reid falsely accused Rush Limbaugh of saying.. “any soldier that does not support being in Iraq is a “phony soldier”. It was a lie!

Continue reading “THE HARRY REID AWARD”