“All students will complete school prepared…for community and global responsibilities.”

This is a well researched piece that must be read.We have the Chamber of Commerce, Bill Gates, our state legislature and Jeb Bush gunning for  our children. Our teachers are being told what and how to teach by those not in our district, much less in our state. We as parents are losing the ability to direct OUR child’s education; while all the while, the school board makes no effort to stop this from happening.

Also, please take a moment and go through the reference material listed at the end of this article.

Continue reading ““All students will complete school prepared…for community and global responsibilities.””


Here is a Valentine’s love letter from Mr. Eric Miller, RPOF State Committeeman for Martin County to Vice Chairman, RPOF  Mr. Joe Gruters. It is very telling of the  “REPUBLICAN’T” party as a whole, both locally and nationally. Basically, Mr Miller is afraid of the “appearance” of impropriety due to Mr Gruters’ position with the RPOF and simultaneously being Chairman of Trump’s Florida campaign.

14 February 2016

Mr. Vice Chairman:              

As Americans we once again find ourselves at a crossroads as a Nation. We are at this juncture by no other reason than our own.  I am sending this open letter to you with the sense that if those with influence do not speak out now, we will all pay a heavy price when Liberty is lost and darkness consumes our Nation.

With Progressive elements now in control of leadership across both sides of the aisle, be cautioned that the Republican Party will either be known in history as the vehicle that solidified a National Socialist as President or we will be remembered as the people that restored our great Nation to a Constitutional Republic.

We can no longer feed our desire to “win at all costs” as Republicans and Americans with malevolent pomposity. It is time that we all begin to perform our political duties not in our own interests but based on our common American principles of Liberty.

Joe, I know you well enough to say that you are not the unprincipled shell of a man that Donald Trump is. Nor do you wish to bring harm to the name Republican. However, your position as Florida Co-Chairman of the Donald Trump for President Campaign is doing just that.

You are not the issue. Your title and how it is being viewed are the matter at hand.

I am respectfully asking that you choose between your office as Vice Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida and the position of Florida Co-Chairman with Mr. Donald Trump. The two positions create a contradiction of principle and do not allow for or give the appearance of unbiased behavior as Vice Chairman of the third largest Republican State in the Union.

I am sure that I echo a loud voice when I say that we would welcome the opportunity to have you on our side as a Party leader and as our Vice Chairman in Florida. Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter. I will pray that you are guided to make an ethical decision that is based on the principles of American Constitutionality and one that reflects best on our Grand Old Party.


Eric D. Miller

RPOF State Committeeman

Martin County


Mr Miller,

Talk about “malevolent pomposity”!

Sir, not to worry, the “name” of the “REPUBLICAN’T”  party of Florida has long been sullied! It is no longer the party of Lincoln, but a corrupt, double-dealing, exploiting machine, both locally and nationally. Continue reading “MALEVOLENT POMPOSITY ; THE PRESENT DAY REPUBLICAN PARTY”

Why Americans Don’t Like Big Business Or Common Core

Another great piece by Joy Pullman. It is up to us to keep the water dripping on the stone, till together, we remove the Unconstitutional, Data Mining, Dumbing Down, History Changing, Propaganda Machine called Common Core from OUR children’s education. Most of our colleges, through Big Education, are breeding grounds for hatred of the Free Market,(aka America), which made us different from all other countries in the history of the world. Common Core represents the final key to turning America away from what we were founded to be and become, to Socialism..which has ALWAYS failed; favoring only the Elites.

Even though the liberal Mr Matt Reed of the liberal Florida Today newspaper, admits that his fellow Elite media; “.. has given us conflicting stories about the Common Core education standards”. As we expected… and right on queue, along with other Elites, the liberal Mr Reed paints those who view Common Core different from him, as having,”.. a highly dramatized story — much of it fiction.”.Hmmm.. Fiction!

His impudent assumptions have proven defective time and again. One such example; was ObamaCare. Mr Reed wrote and opined that (Obamacare),”will save $2500 per family” and “..you can keep you doctor” and of course..”you can keep your health plan”. Just by chance, none other that Barack Hussein Obama, who lies time and again, on many fronts, uttered these same words..all the while knowing it was a lie.

Mr Reed’s enlightened pleadings were then followed by,”..it wont increase your premium that much”..etc, etc. This pitiful fallback, all the while as millions of Americans suffered under skyrocketing premiums, deductibles and co-pays.



So, I will go with those who..”.. highly dramatized story(ies) — much of it fiction”, when I want the facts.


Big Business Still Has No Idea Why Americans Don’t Like It Or Common Core

Big Business Still Has No Idea Why Americans Don’t Like It Or Common Core

Fortune magazine has no idea what capitalism means, even though it’s at the heart of why huge majorities of Americans distrust big business.


Fortune has put together a Common Core article package that headlines its New Year’s Day issue. They clearly spent a lot of time on it.

Too bad, then, that after all that reporting they, like their CEO and philanthropist interview subjects, still have no idea why this force-fed brain mush generates the same kind of scorn from ordinary Americans that Trump-dismissers provoke from Twitter trolls.

Business Doesn’t Love Capitalism

Perhaps one should expect this sort of obtuseness from a magazine that targets the corporate set, but Fortune editor Peter Elkind clearly doesn’t get that business man doesn’t at all mean capitalist. In the cover article, he writes: “[Common Core] has seen some of the nation’s foremost capitalists accused of promoting an ‘immoral,’ ‘freedom-robbing,’ ‘socialist agenda,’ aimed at turning America’s children into ‘mindless drones for the corporate salt mines.’”

No. Common Core has seen some of the nation’s foremost cronyists accused of doing what cronies do—which is using government to force their low-quality products on everyone rather than getting their butts out into the market and earning the dollars they get from us through a willing exchange.

It may be telling that Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson plays prominently in this article as one of the nation’s chief Common Core advocates. Far from being some exemplar of capitalism, Exxon Mobil is very comfortable using government to force taxpayers to subsidize its products, making self-serving use of the Export-Import Bank, and making taxpayers pay part of its legal settlements in pollution cases, and oiling up government officials it wants to approve even more taxpayer subsidies.

This is not at all surprising. In fact, if Elkind were up on his capitalism and not on inaccurate stereotypes, he’d have known that no less a capitalist than Milton Friedman says the greatest enemies of capitalism are businessmen. (h/t to Mark Perry for helping me look up the right Friedman references—I get my regular dosage of Friedman from his blog.)

This is key to understanding why four in five Americans don’t trust big businesses like Exxon Mobil: Because they don’t play fair, and we know it. They use their power to cheat us out of honest government and a level economic playing field. Just witness the recent free-expression nuke big business dropped on Indiana (and the rest of the country) by bullying our legislature into dropping conscience protections for citizens by torpedoing a state-level bill to protect religious freedom mirrored on a national law Bill Clinton signed after huge bipartisan majorities in Congress had passed it.

I so love that you pretend earning one’s bread should be conditioned upon accepting your religious beliefs, which violently contradict my own.

They’re not satisfied to hold our natural and constitutionally secured rights hostage just once—nope, this coming spring legislative session, they’ll be back for more, to make women and mothers like me and our daughters share bathrooms and locker rooms with any penis-bearing man who wants to waltz in and waggle himself at us after calling himself transgender, all in the name of “equality” and “diversity.”

Gee, thanks, big business. I so love that you “bring jobs” to my state while dangling that carrot in front of what are supposed to be my representatives to get tax carveouts so my children have to pay higher taxes once those bills come due. I so love that you pretend earning one’s bread should be conditioned upon accepting your religious beliefs, which violently contradict my own. It’s totally amazing to have political leaders I didn’t and can’t vote for or against, and who arrogantly abuse their power to degrade my fundamental rights as an American citizen. I really can’t figure out why, despite all the money you throw at PR, pandering, and virtue signaling, your reputation sucks.


Why don’t you try being genuinely brave and selfless for once: get back to your offices and make things I want to buy, and don’t force them or your crappy politics into my home unless I like your widgets and freely agree to pay for them on my own terms. Because that would be capitalism.

Yo, Corporate Jerks: My Kids Aren’t Your Pawns

In the Fortune article, Elkind quotes Tillerson’s remarks on a panel: “I’m not sure public schools understand that we’re their customer—that we, the business community, are your customer. What they don’t understand is they are producing a product at the end of that high school graduation…Now is that product in a form that we, the customer, can use it? Or is it defective, and we’re not interested?”

‘Knowledge and learning generally diffused…being essential to the preservation of a free Government…it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to provide…for the use of schools…’

First, this is horribly offensive to the billions—and vast majority of people—who adhere to any of the world’s major religions, whose ethics all teach that humans have souls and are therefore highly distinct from mere objects that people may flick about like so many chess pieces. As New York principal Carol Burris put it in an open letter to Tillerson responding to this article, “We do not need you to develop [children] as products. They are neither kerogen nor shale.”

Second, Tillerson is displaying a remarkably deficient education. All he needs to do is look up any state constitution (a state constitution, because the national constitution doesn’t touch education, because education is not the federal government’s business, thank you very much). I’ve looked at more than a dozen, because I consult them before visiting a state to testify to its legislature about Common Core.

I’ll quote the original constitution of Indiana, since I live there: “Knowledge and learning generally diffused, through a community, being essential to the preservation of a free Government, and spreading the opportunities, and advantages of education through the various parts of the Country, being highly conductive to this end, it shall be the duty of the General Assembly to provide…for the use of schools…”

This language echoes that of the Northwest Ordinance, one of the four organic laws that created the United States, which says: “Religion, morality, and knowledge, being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged.” I remember standing one day inside the Ohio legislature (again about to testify on Common Core) and feeling a thrill as I read those grand words inside a hallway exhibit.

The prime reason we have a public school system in the first place is not to ‘provide products that business will consume,’ but to preserve our unique form of free government.

Notice in both of these documents—which are echoed in nearly every state constitution—the prime reason we have a public school system in the first place is not to “provide products that business will consume,” but to preserve our unique form of free government. Americans rule themselves. That is a very difficult task. It requires a unique kind of upbringing. Our schools are supposed to aid in that difficult task.

Schools don’t do much of this nowadays—American civic knowledge is utterly appalling—and perhaps one reason is that people like Tillerson use their power to make public education serve their selfish personal interests, rather than serve the country. Common Core’s writers bought into this mindset, Elkind writes: “When it came time to draft the provisions, career readiness was a central focus. The writers spent their first two months learning what colleges and businesses wanted high school graduates to know by the time they arrived on their doorstep. From there, the writers ‘back mapped,’ crafting grade-by-grade benchmarks to get them there.”

This man has four children. If he wants to feed them into the grist mill of industry, bully for him. But he has no right to use government to seize mine and chuck ‘em in, too. I’m raising citizens, thank you. That’s one reason I’ll never trust either Common Core or the public schools that celebrate it—neither give a damn about self-government or the public purpose of public education. Common Core doesn’t once mention anything but “college and career readiness” as its aim, and all but a few brave teachers and administrators like Burris are either too scared or too stupid to stand up and object to this outrage.

Government Isn’t Business

Elkind writes that “the executive mind-set on the issue—favoring consistency, efficiency, and accountability—has clashed with the American tradition of local control.” Let’s get one thing straight, big business dudes. You are entirely allowed to be the king of your own business. Inside the corridors of your business, boss away.

Ain’t nobody elected these CEOs to pursue the admittedly ‘efficient’ scheme of ‘let’s just make everyone do what I want.’

But it’s a basic proposition of American government that our bosses are the ones we choose. And ain’t nobody elected these CEOs to pursue the admittedly “efficient” scheme of “let’s just make everyone do what I want.” Even if we had elected you, there are these little things called “laws” and “natural rights enshrined in state and national constitutions” that would restrict your ability to tyrannize us.

I know business leaders often don’t have any particular civic allegiances. They are happy to fantasize about living in a “global” economy, where allegiances can be bought and sold to the lowest cross-border tax-rate bidder. Some of us have ethical codes that include basic things like loving our neighbors, and minding our ownbusiness instead of everyone else’s. I’m willing to bet that’s most of America. And we know the difference between a public servant and a high-class prostitute.

Joy Pullmann is managing editor of The Federalist, an education research fellow at The Heartland Institute, and author of the forthcoming “Coretastrophe: What Common Core Means for America’s Future,” from Encounter Books.

Continue reading “Why Americans Don’t Like Big Business Or Common Core”


As many of you know, I am very involved in education issues, especially the dismantling of the unconstitutional, age inappropriate, Data Mining, spirit killing BIG GOVERNMENT MACHINE known as Common core. The letter that follows was submitted to the Polk County School Board by a teacher and it echoes so much of what we as parents have endlessly cried out about. She nails what is so very wrong with the government intrusion into our children’s lives in the form of Common Core…

Today I resigned from the school district. I would like to share with you what I gave them. Feel free to share it if it strikes you as important. Continue reading “THE HEART OF A TRUE TEACHER”


Besides the well documented problems of Common Core such as the Unconstitutional federal takeover of our children’s education, Data mining, poor math and literature standards, age inappropriate materials and removing the parent from the decision-making of their child(s) education; we can now add to it, less time allocated to teach our children. All in the name of money! Continue reading “MORE ILLS OF COMMON CORE AND THE SCHOOL BOARD CAVES.. AGAIN!”