It is unbelievable what some Government school boards in Florida are pushing on our children, in many cases, without the parents knowledge. Materials that are antithetical to the parents values and wishes. Here in Brevard, we have our ongoing struggles with porn and inappropriate material that our school board deems to be ok.

Before I get to the news out of Pasco County; according to Brevard County School Board, please review a smidge of acceptable”teaching material” that “buttresses” the education of a child and builds character here in Brevard schools..

8th grade-KAFFIR BOY explicitly  explaining the preparations for gang rape young boys in a dormitory.

10th grade-BELOVED. .”.all in their twenties, rubbing their thighs..f_cking cows..”, or..”..the new girl they dreamed of at night and f_cked cows for..”, or..”..the jump, thought Paul D., from a calf to a girl, wasn’t all that mighty.”, and..”It was hard, hard, hard, sitting there, erect as dogs watching..”.Satellite HS principle thought it was appropriate.

11th grade-THE THINGS THEY CARRIED, rife with the F Bomb and other profane language but the principle of Cocoa Beach HS  felt was appropriate .

There are many more..CAUGHT OUR EYE-BOOK REVIEWS.pages 

I thought here in Brevard County, our school board had taken the proverbial cake by condoning “educational” material full of rape, incest, sodomy and infanticide,..but I was wrong.

Pasco County administrators have threatened and silenced two P.E. teachers who objected to allowing a gender-confused girl into the boys’ locker room and open showers. The female student had full access to disrobe and even shower alongside unsuspecting boys. Continue reading “SO..YOU THINK THERE IS NOT A PROBLEM WITH FL SCHOOL BOARDS?”

POTUS & Political Warfare; What is Being Done to President Trump and the American People

Rick Higgins was a senior DOD analyst trained in political warfare by “old school” DOD agents that are 70 & 80 years old today. The old agents went through the cold war, aka Political Warfare against Russia and won. They passed those sikills on to Mr Higgins. With this skill set, Mr Higgins recognized what was occurring against President Trump inside and outside the White House.

Mr Higgins wrote a memo after being removed by H.R. Mc Master. In February 2017, McMaster succeeded Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor. Shortly thereafter, McMaster was replaced by John Bolton. BTW, Mr. Higgins actually signed his name to his memo and spoke openly. This is very eye opening.. Continue reading “POTUS & Political Warfare; What is Being Done to President Trump and the American People”


 Another hard hitting and fact laden piece in the Orlando Slantinal..

Mr.Scott Maxwell evidently did not take the time to speak with any of the parents that submitted 33 sworn affidavits, nor testified before the Florida Senate Education Committee, as to why the Materials Review process, from our own personal experience, is broken. Go figure! After all, as Mr Maxwell states, we don’t want to worry about what our kids are exposed to, right?  What exactly is Mr Maxwell afraid of ? Is it presenting all sides of an issue equally and fairly? Is it having parents truly involved in the decision making?

-It is in the affidavit

We want a system that is transparent and parent centered when considering educational materials. That is the parent’s job. If Mr Maxwell had spoken with me or read my affidavit, he would have learned that we want a system set up so that parents can decide which materials are appropriate or not and guide their child’s education.

-It is in the affidavit

It is about having a system, that is easily accessible to the parents, offering full disclosure of school material content, with any previous/present objections and/or praises. That way, the parent can make informed decisions.Today, that does not exist.

-It is in the affidavit

Today, if a parent wishes to challenge material, (opening their child to ostracization), the 2 school committees are hand-picked by the principle. All members were Brevard Public School employees or have a relationship with the principle.

The same goes for the School Board committee. So the very same system that presently blocks any active and meaningful parent’s participation, is the same system to decide appropriateness of material.

-It is in the affidavit

Mr. Maxwell continues , “But now, in the age of fragile snowflakes — where people want to be shielded from any information that might test their assumptions…” . Really?

If the Theory of Evolution, which is not a fact,(therefore..a Theory) is taught as a fact, then so should Creation. If Science Deniers teach Man-made Global Warming as a scientific fact, which is not, then the converse, using the scientific method to disprove this false assertion should be taught and published. It never is, instead, we are called names because we contest the content; whether age inappropriate or against our values as parents, or just not the truth. So Mr Maxwell, who exactly is being “shielded from any information that might test their assumptions”? Seems like your liberal ideals promote censorship, rather than encouraging open learning and discourse. If all sides of a topic are not being taught (which they are not), then that is a disservice to all children, and is Censorship.

-It is in the affidavit

I can attest to the fact that today, educational material does not evenly and fairly delve into all sides of many topics. This came to light early on while reading some of my sons books and later while reviewing multiple K-12 textbooks over the last few years,

Critical thinking is not force feeding one line of thinking into a child’s mind full of mush. Critical thinking is taking ALL facts, assumptions and information, debating openly and fairly, weighting all details and then making an informed decision.

“Snowflakes”? Are they the ones too afraid to have conflicting ideas published and debated in the light of day? Are Snowflakes doing the “Chicken Little” impersonation, while frantically running around yelling book banners, pro-censorship, book banners, pro-censorship?

-It is in the affidavit

Speaking of banning books, I have not seen the best selling text in history in public schools and being openly studied and debated; that would be the Bible. Why not “fight” for that one?

Mr Maxwell, the statue you referenced with “1000s of words” does not contain the language to enforce what the statute says. That is why we have the present bill. I don’t understand how you missed that.

-It is in the affidavit


State Rep.Mercado says she has;..” been able to handle any concerns regarding my children’s educational needs,” Mercado said, “with their teachers, school administration and, if necessary, the school board.” Do you think, just maybe, that being  a STATE REP. AND BEING CONNECTED might have something to do with that? Sorry, the vast majority of parents don’t have that luxury. Additionally, Rep. Smith says,“The existing process to object to school instructional materials isn’t broken.” Spoken like a man that has NOT gone through the process.

Once more; this is not about being book banners or pro-censorship. It is about empowering parents to have a meaningful and impactful influence in what their children are being taught and  exposed to in school. Presently, here in Brevard County, that process is null and void of any true parent involvement what so ever. To the contrary, parents are blocked.

-It is in the affidavit

The philosophy of the classroom for one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next.

Abe Lincoln



Continue reading “IT’S IN THE AFFIDAVIT…”



Below is the affidavit I submitted to the Florida Senate Education Committee. It partial outlines the horrible state of parent’s rights in Brevard County Public Schools to directing their children’s education. Further, this is done by the Brevard County School Board’s purposeful blocking of any meaningful and direct involvement by parents. Please understand that this document does not address the more than 28 suggestions sent to Superintendent Blackburn to make the Materials Challenge Process more parent friendly. Quite the contrary, none of the suggestions were adopted, and the process remains unchanged. Continue reading “MATERIALS CHALLENGE AFFIDAVIT PRESENTED TO THE FLORIDA SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE..”