Mr. Goodell,

For a very long time until recently, my family and I have enjoyed the NFL. 

We, like many other fans and their families, have found your support of Colin Kaepernick’s political views disturbing. Kaepernick is welcome to be “brave” and bash America, but don’t do it on my time.


We don’t care what you think about how great he is; we don’t care how honorable you think he is !  We don’t tune in to a football game to be told/shown how rotten you think our country is.   

This is not why we tune in! We tune in for one thing ONLY; a football game!

Except for the Super Bowl, our national anthem isn’t normally televised. Now, because of your anti-America actions, every time one of your players takes a knee or raises a fist, by God you are making sure we’re gonna see it!

Whether it’s a Kaepernick phony display, slogans on fields and jerseys, or you denying others the same “right”, Americans are voting with their feet. We will continue to not patronize your agenda driven broadcast and revel in the NFL’s bottom line decimation.

Your anti-America denial of other requests that do not fit into your agenda is very visible to us all, like your refutation to honor the 5 officers murdered in Houston.

We Patriots revel that the NFL, under your leadership is hemorrhaging money, with viewership down 14% and continuing to plummet.


C. Hamilton boone


I read an article in Florida Today, We cut off President Trump’s remarks about a “rigged” election Thursday night. Here’s why. The author is USA TODAY Editor-in-Chief Nicole Carroll, who’s tag lie, err..line is :our mission is to spread truth and to stop misinformation. History and experience on the Space Coast has demonstrated the opposite is true FLORIDA TODAY and it’s parent; USA TODAY.

Ms Carroll followed the lead of other Democrat state-controlled media experts, Mark Zuckerberg(Facebook), Jack Dorsey(Twitter), CNN(Jeff Zucker) NY Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, etc. stating.. “we cut off his live remarks and removed the video from our platforms.”, and “Facts are not up for debate.” Never mind the videos, USB drives, affidavits, etc…

We know why the mammoth Florida Today building along US1 is no more, hundreds of Florida Today pre-covid jobs are gone and most readers have left the publication long ago. We seek those sources that don’t sensor and allow all facts, so we can make the most informed decisions that affect our family.

Knowledge is vital to make the best decisions for ourselves and our family. Just like China, North Korea, Cuba, the U.S.Fake News Media, intentionally suppresses information. In a very real sense, tyrannical, dictatorial suppression harms the family. Informed decisions, best benefiting the family cannot be made; and that harm is intentional.

In my book, this intentional harmful act against me and my family makes Florida Today and others my enemy!





Most of the Mass Media news today, is about pushing the non-corruption of our voting system, and the few “harmless” changes which will make voting “more fair”, all in the name of social justice.

Make no mistake, we are witnessing evil personified in the Democrat Party. The Democrat socialist leaders do not want individual free will. After all, Socialism, Communism, Nazism..they all have the same end point; no personal and individual freedom.

Through personal experience, our foundering fathers realized that if all freedom loving Americans and the Republic is to survive, it is vital that free thinking Americans must have and keep secure an equal voice in all elections, especially the next President of the United States fo America.

This view is antithetical to the Democrat Party. Make no mistake, today the radical and dangerous Democrat Party, with their BLM, Antifa allies, are actively working to destroy our freedom though longstanding corruption and violent tactics. This is an ongoing process was born of the Democrats centuries ago at Tammany Hall.


THE ORLANDO SLANTINAL; lying with the best

This morning, I was searching for information about drive thru and mail-in voting and came across a recent Orlando Sentinel editorial. Due to circumstances, I vote absentee ballot, which I mail in, but which is not the same as the “mail-in ballot”.

Here in Florida, the Mass Media(Fake News), is up to their usual distortions and outright lies in order to manipulate the masses. They have lost sight of their duty to accurately report the news and instead are focused on making up the news.

According to an ORLANDO SLANTINAL editorial, published September 9, 2020, President Trump instructed America to “vote twice”. The spewing of lies by this treacherous editorial board orders us..”not to follow the law-and-order president’s advice to break the law”.

My duty as a husband and father, is to make the best informed decisions for my family. Media’s duty is to that provide accurate information!

Media that chooses not to provide me with all the accurate information, purposefully distorting and lying to me, so I cannot make the best decisions for my family, which in turn harms my family is an ENEMY OF MINE! Continue reading “THE ORLANDO SLANTINAL; lying with the best”