Brevard County: How Benghazi “backfire” on Matt Reed

Saturday morning, , my family and I went to see 13 HOURS: THE SECRET SOLDIERS OF BENGHAZI. It was an incredble film about the men who were actually on the ground; in the fight . They are known as the Global Response Staff; GSR.

Kris “Tanto” Paronto, John “Tig” Tiegan, Mark “Oz” Geist,Ty “Rone” Woods(deceased), Jack Silva and DB Benton.

I would highly recommend the movie to everyone.

I came away mad once again. Mad; because I recalled Florida Today’s Mr Matt Reed’s anathema of Brevard citizens, and how flippant and condescending he was; culminating that any of us who do not believe as he believes,  is ..emotionally vested in bad information”. I choose to believe the GSR that were actually there.

After Senator Feinstein’s staff report was released, Mr Reed, chose to excoriate the citizens of Brevard in his Dec 2014 article, Matt Reed: How Ferguson, Benghazi “backfire” in Brevard. In all reality, it was aimed at me, for I had hung the liberal Mr Reed and the liberal Florida Today out multiple times for,…once again, reporting only that which is expedient to their’s or those they follow, agendas. At that time, the agenda was getting Obama re-elected and protecting Mrs Clinton from criticism.

The bottom line is that  American lives were lost, and by honoring the dead and about the living; we need to know, exactly, just how and why these failures occurred. The 2014 report did not accomplish this due to either faine ignorance,  political ambitions or worse, political payback; such as demonstrated by Mrs. Feinstein. Their reports,( Feinstein’s staff actually wrote the report, and after multiple calls, I was unable to speak to any staff member responsible for the report) which to me, represented a flippant devaluation of life , based on their (Feinstein and Rogers) personal desires.

Benghazi: Poor Ms Feinstein; her phones tapped by the CIA, and then having to put this report together. No payback there;( the GSR was under the command of the CIA). Tough work.

Poor Mr Rogers; leaving out vital parts of the GSR’s testimony given under oath or completely fabricating from thin air. Ms Feinstein and Mr Rogers work well in concert.

The men of the GSR..the ones that were actually there in the fight on the ground..reacted to the report by outlining 14 “inaccuracies”  in

Benghazi Heroes Debunk House Intel Report as ‘Full of Inaccuracies’ with Firsthand Account

Although only the House report is referenced, it is essentially the same information contained in both reports.

Matt Reed insults; no, he dishonors Kris “Tanto” Paronto, John “Tig” Tiegan, Mark “Oz” Geist,Ty “Rone” Woods(deceased), Jack Silva and DB Benton as emotionally vested in bad information”. Who perpetrates the lie Mr Reed? What a clown!


Continue reading “Brevard County: How Benghazi “backfire” on Matt Reed”


Yep, once again, a radical Islāmic state benefits from Obama’s wishes. As a matter of fact, if you look at any event in which a radical Islāmic state or representative was involved; if Obama is in the mix…they benefited..ALWAYS!

ISIS runs amuck decapitating Christians and he does nothing, and they grow into a “Varsity”. Whether it was the tough boy line in the sand, or coldly, ignoring the cry for help of Ambassador Stephens and others in Benghazi, or telling the King of Egypt to step down or sending millions to the Muslim Brotherhood to help bring Sharia law to the Egyptian people, etc. etc., the bad guys always benefited..ALWAYS!

Well, President Obama has done it again; as he put it,“..wants Iran to be the power in that region”. Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism(cowardice), whose leaders have said multiple times, that they will destroy “Big Satan and Little Satan”, i.e. the United States and Israel, has now been given the go ahead to pursue Nuclear weapons by Obama. With Obama, the bad guys benefit and America and our allies suffer..ALWAYS!

As President Obama’s actions show, he is, at the very least, a radical Islāmic sympathiser, and at the very worst, a very mindful radical Islamic participant in the free world’s demise! He puts the safety and well-being of the American people and America’s allies last, ALWAYS!

David Horowitz, of The Times of Israel gives us a simple, yet jaw-dropping overview of what was given to Iran today. Continue reading “WITH OBAMA;THE BAD GUYS BENEFIT..AND AMERICA SUFFERS..ALWAYS!”

Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was a Home Invasion’

We all have seen the different degrees that the left, whether in the media, in politics or socially, will go to effect elections and interfere with American’s freedoms in the process. This is done without remorse and as a matter of privilege. We have seen this process play itself out time and again with the NSA, IRA, the State Dept….etc, etc.
Thanks to the National Review, we now have another instance with the Thugocracy of the Unions and corrupt Law Enforcement. The setting is Milwaukee, Wisconsin; the targets are the supporters of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Continue reading “Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was a Home Invasion’”



Dear liberal media, a.k.a. Bob, Matt, Mr. Neuhearth, the rest of the editorial staff, USA TODAY, etc, etc,


As we all know, Mr. Neuthart is the founder/owner of USA TODAY/FLORIDA TODAY. His editorial below makes for some illustrative reading, yielding another example of the embedded ideology that exists behind FLORIDA TODAY, USA TODAY and other liberal media. I use the word “behind” Continue reading “EDITORIAL BY AL NEUHARTH/ PART 13-FLORIDA TODAY CONTINUING THE COVER-UP OF THE COVER-UP-THE BEGAHZI MURDERS OF 4 AMERICANS”


Dear liberal media, a.k.a. Bob, Matt, Mr. Neuhearth, the rest of the editorial staff, USA TODAY, etc, etc,


I have thought a lot about what has occured in the course of the relatively short time that I have been “paying attention” to what is happening and what growing up in America meant to a guy born in 1947. What it meant then, and in a lot of my circles today, still means; Continue reading “PART 12-THE BENGAHZI BLACKOUT! AND THE OCTOBER SUPPRESSION-FLORIDA TODAY STILL NOT DOING THE RIGHT THING!”