A Conservative vs Socialist for School Board

November 8th is right around the corner, and things are heating up in the School Board race between Conservative, Tina Descovich and  Socialist, Darcey Addo.

To quote Ms Addo,..

“Hillary Clinton came to be a woman I admired and respected…(she) has helped shape my convictions, both political and personal. I admire and respect her dedication and pursuit of justice.” -Darcey Addo, April 2, 2014

So, Darcey idolizes a woman who is a Socialist and who..

*lied to the face of the mother of a son murdered in Benghazi.

*along with Pres Obama, put their political ambitions ahead of human life in Benghazi.

*lied to all Americans about the murder of 4 Americans in Benghazi.

*has corrupted the office of the Secretary of State for personal gain.

* has shown an absolute disdain for the rule of law.

*is a Common Core champion.

*wants to “fix” Obamacare.

*wants to raise ALL taxes.

*wants Open Borders

*wants to increase Syrian refugees by 500%

*wants to destroy the 2nd amendment.



It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.

– Henry David Thoreau



We with school age children know all too well the unconstitutional, federally mandated, propaganda tool known as Common Core. It has been the scourge of Florida schools for years, with politicians, such as “Slick Rich”Workman ignoring the call for removal. I know, as I met with “Slick Rich”  around  2011 about this disaster and never heard from him again.

Well alleluia, the savior, known as “Slick Rich”, has ridden into town to save the day!! According to a”Slick Rich” mailer, HE is personally responsible for removing Common Core from the state!  Dang, I missed that one..didn’t you?




I was wondering, have you seen the alliance formed by Dick Charbonneau and Darcey Addo on her Fakebook page? It is disturbing to me, for it is an entirely different picture of Charbonneau than what he presented at the RLC mtg.

Although he is not my choice, I have always considered him a little “wacky”, but harmless. I can see that he is not  harmless. To embrace a person that embraces an ideology that is antithetical to the US Constitution, Capitalism and the founding of America is, for lack of a better word, dumb.

Richard 2 Richard
Ms. Addo, besides being a Progressive/Liberal/Marxist, that admires such luminaries as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren; is also aligned, and is the Brevard representative of the United Opt Out. An innocuous sounding  organization isn’t it? It’s all about opting out of tests..right?

Not quite. UOO is a dangerous radical group. For instance, February 2016 , the UOO, at their annual meeting, had as their keynote speaker, was none other then Bill Ayres. Yep, the very same cop killing, Weather Underground,communist, who was a student of Saul Alinsky’s and a practitioner of Rules for Radicals. By the way, Rules for Radicals was dedicated to Lucifer!

So knowing this, you might understand how surprised I was when Charbonneau uncovered his true thoughts. Thoughts like like telling Addo that,..“We need to Teem up..” or “I’d have no problem with Darcy sitting next to me as a fellow board member”. So Charbonneau’s new alliance and object of admiration is with a Marxist. 

He fauns on about how smart “Darcy” is compared to the other candidates. Smart is not hiding what and who you are from the voting public! That is called deceitful and most definitely is not a sign of intelligence. It is a sign; to use a Darcey phrase..of not being “authentic”.

Wanting a Elizabeth Warren/Hillary Clinton Progressive, Marxist on the school board is not smart in any sense of the word. It is treacherous!



Yesterday, my blog provided information that I had culled from Ms Addo’s earlier website, which bears no resemblance to her current website today,( http://www.darceyaddo.com). Her website today makes no reference to her being a proud Bold Progressive or any of the associated trappings; (see THE REAL DARCEY ADDO!),which leads me to believe that Ms Addo has attempted to purposefully mislead the voter about who and what she is.

I am a comservative and have no compunction in stating so; but Ms Addo is a Liberal, aka Progressive and has a real problem with openly stating so.

In a recent Fakebook post, Ms Addo tries to make the point to Jessica that it is tough when you don’t have a political affiliation, to raise money.  It sure seems like she does have a political affiliation; especially when you consider the company she keeps and extolls! Among many other Democrats, HilLIARy Clinton is proudly a Progressive and a Socail Justice advocate! Please note who Ms Addo is so very proud to associate with at her Bold Progressive National Candidate Training; none other than Pocahontas, aka, “**THE** Elizabeth Warren:)”.

Ms Addo, voters want to know who they are dealing with and that the candidate can be trusted. Most assuredly, you have purposefully  distorted and mislead us about who and what you are.

Very telling…


“Liberalism is what smart looks like to dumb people”




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