Being aware of the foisting of the unconstitutional Common Core on our children in the name of fairness, sameness and higher standards, the lie that is Common Core, begs another question be asked; “..who should set the standards”? Mr. Peter Wood, President of the National Association of Scholars, offers insights in his essay entitled, COMMON CORE-THE ELITES DID IT. He delves into.. Continue reading “AN INDEPTH LOOK AT THE CREATION OF COMMON CORE”
It has been and continues to be a fight against the unconstitutional, implementation of Common Core in our schools and the attendant loss of parental control to guide our child’s future. The man who was the architect of CC and is the new President of the College Board is David Coleman. The College Board is responsible for the SAT and the ACT entrance exams for college. He has made sweeping changes to the AP HISTORY course, which can be described as only anti-American, that is antithetical to the original AP HISTORY standards which have been followed for decades.
For those of you that have not yet heard of the anti-American changes to curriculum that the College Board is making in AP History…STOP and take notice. I am requesting that it be pulled from Brevard Public Schools and all Fl schools.
The short and concise article is well written, informative and provides ammunition to have it removed. Continue reading “DAVID COLEMAN; THE MAN BEHIND THE NEW AP HISTORY ANTI-AMERICAN INDOCTRINATION”
Well the 2014 primaries are done and we are already preparing for November. I wanted to wait till after the primaries to write about something that I have learned….again. What have I learned again? In a nutshell, don’t be lazy when voting; know your information!
If you read my short essay on being a “Recovering Liberal”, Continue reading “A LESSON LEARNED…AGAIN!”
PICK’N PEOPLE..a.k.a., Sorting Through The 2014 Primaries
Today, I can say that some issues are very important to me. Common Core is at the top of that list, for the future of our country depends on education, which for so long has been in the wrong hands as it was stealthily changed before our eyes.
In Mien Kampf, Hitler wrote, “if you have the children, you have the future”. So I use this issue, and others to a lesser degree, to measure candidates, especially those that are not forthright.
When it comes to judges, like many, I vote out of total ignorance and just guess when voting. So much information is hidden..or so it seems. What I have done to find qualifications for this group, to the best of my ability is ;a) find true party affiliation, b) determine whom or what party they support.It’s the old adage of, “If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas”. Continue reading “PICK’N PEOPLE..a.k.a., Sorting Through The 2014 Primaries”
Dear Mr. Crisafulli,
I understand that you are looking for re-election campaign help. You have purported being a Conservative, and in the past, even though you are not my Representative, but on your word, I spoke in your favor at different citizen’s meetings throughout Brevard county. My wife and I are parents of a 15-year-old high school student.I have researched Common Core since first learning of it and the Trojan Horse know as RACE TO THE TOP in 2008. While trying to find your number to arrange a meeting with you, I accidentally called your business office and spoke with your mom. Of course she was very proud of you and remarked that, “you would always do the right thing“. Continue reading “MR. CRISAFULLI: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS”