Ah yes, Pope Francis. The all-knowing, the all-sensing, the all-feeling Pope Francis and his recently released encyclical, “Laudato Si,”.  Some parts of it begged to be discussed…especially coming from the representative of Christ, such as he is. We will get in the ring with him and his “Rope-A-Dope” style of swinging away at a topic but hitting nothing but air. So as a Christian, a husband, a father, an American, a proud Capitalist and a Recovering Catholic here we go.. Continue reading “ROPE-A-DOPE-POPE..DEADLY WRONG IN SO MANY WAYS..OR, I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE A MARXIST!”


Are you like me and feel overwhelmed, that no matter what you do…no one… or at the very least , very few are listening? There seems to be a new crisis daily or a new “cause” to champion among the left and bring to the forefront; many times, causes that I laugh at when first mentioned.

I stumbled across a piece on the website that explained in wonderful and simple detail exactly what is happening and what can be done to “turn our ship of state” back in the direction that our founding fathers had designed. The good news is 2 fold; that the TOOLS OF THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA, HOLLYWOOD,WANNABE DICTATORS AND ACADEMIA are not new and, they (the oppressors) cannot survive where free expression and association is practiced. Continue reading “OPPRESSORS CAN’T SURVIVE FREE EXPRESSION”

The Common Core can’t speed up child development

Parents and Patriots,

Here is an excellent article about yet another problem with the unconstitutional, invasive, age inappropriate indoctrination known as Common Core; this time pointed out by a Loyola University physics  professor. Strange, his field is college physics, yet our Brevard County school board members do not care enough for our children to actually learn about what Common Core is and is not; and that is supposed to be their job!

“Our kids aren’t getting dumber. It’s the unrealistic expectations of the Common Core that are the problem…..”

Continue reading “The Common Core can’t speed up child development”

Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was a Home Invasion’

We all have seen the different degrees that the left, whether in the media, in politics or socially, will go to effect elections and interfere with American’s freedoms in the process. This is done without remorse and as a matter of privilege. We have seen this process play itself out time and again with the NSA, IRA, the State Dept….etc, etc.
Thanks to the National Review, we now have another instance with the Thugocracy of the Unions and corrupt Law Enforcement. The setting is Milwaukee, Wisconsin; the targets are the supporters of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Continue reading “Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was a Home Invasion’”


The revisionist history of the left has once again made it under the radar and into our Brevard schools. The ones that are tasked with overseeing our county educational system have failed us again. Released in 2012 it will be the history course that our best and brightest will see; for many of them it will be the last history course they will take.

David Coleman, a man who is unelected, is not a standards expert nor is a teacher has stealthfully brought a new version of AP History (APUSH) into Brevard Schools. This is the same David Coleman, along with Bill Gates and Jeb Bush, that spearheaded the Unconstitutional Common Core down our throats and into our nation’s and Florida’s school system. Last night, I was allowed my 3 minutes to speak before the school board and except for Amy Knesseey, all I saw were blank stares. Not very encouraging. There were no questions about this appalling distortion of America’s history now in Brevard schools. In a nutshell, the new APUSH course presents ; “the history of the United States is a history of exportation, imposed suffering, forced labor,exportation, class oppression,racism, sexism, and the rule of the privileged few over everyone else.”

At the end of this piece I have provided a source document for any and all information concerning APUSH and the left’s attack on the accurate American history. Peter Woods, President of the National Association of Scholars, has laid out exactly what the new APUSH is and isn’t. Continue reading “DAVID COLEMAN’S AP HISTORY- A HISTORY OF TYRANNY”