Bob, Matt, Mr. Neuhearth, the rest of the editorial staff, USA TODAY and any other liberal media:
Still no response to all of us as why you are still remaining silent about the White House cover-up of the MURDERS OF 4 AMERICANS; aka; YOUR COVER-UP OF THE COVER-UP!
This has been weighing very heavy on my heart. I cannot, for the life of me, as a disabled United States Marine, get my hands around the fact that our ambassador and 3 other Americans were deserted and therefore by abandonment, were murdered. And those in the media remain silent.. all for the cheap prospect of getting this president re-elected
The mainstream media are willing accomplices in this cover-up and by doing so they dishonor the people of the United States, as well as our retired and active duty service men and women. They dishonor us all.. for the cheap prospect of getting this President re-elected. They in fact are instrumental in propagating this lie by a cover-up. The very ones that are supposed to protect the American people with the truth are today fundamental threats to the republic and have become the enemy of the American people. These people have no honor.
I am so ashamed for the family of Tyrone Woods and the other 3 Americans whose family thought that their loved one was being cared for by this country’s leadership, only to discover that they had been betrayed; all for the cheap prospect of getting this president re-elected. Then to have these men dishonored by the enduring deafening silence of the media…all for the cheap prospect of getting this president re-elected.
“nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”
Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, June 11, 1807